
Im board what to do?

by Guest66984  |  earlier

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im 11 and have nothin to do and dont say yahoo answers ok just plz answer me soon and by the way again im 11




  1. I'm bored, not I'm board. But you can play games in Yahoo! Games.

  2. play a game, ring your friends, see what they are doing and go out with them, ready a book, ride your bike, make up a dance routine! if you have a pet dog, take it for a walk, do some homework!! listen to some music, play a game (do you have a games console?)

  3. For goodness sake, are you kids totally daft? Get off her now!! There are men on here who will tell you they are 12 and take advantage of you, so stop posting your age.



  5. Become a game. You are a board right? so you are already halfway there. Unless of course, you are bored and not a board.

  6. hi im board 2 mayb wew cud b friends????im 12 again im 11

  7. Read a book, watch a movie, play a game, clean your room, email friends, phone friends, talk to your family.
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