
Im born here but my parents from egypt so am I from here or there???

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Both my parents from egypt nut im born in the usa s idk like which place im supposed to say when people ask where im from




  1. you are an american citizen, as far as where you are from-you are from your parents

  2. If they're asking where you are from, as in, where you were born, you're from [insert city and state here].  Otherwise you can just tell 'em "I'm from the south side, down low, holmes!", flash some signs then run away.

    If they ask you what your nationality is, you're American.

    If they ask you your ethnicity, you tell them that.  This is where it gets tricky.  If you're parents are from Egypt but they are of Chinese background, they're ethnically Chinese but Egyptian by nationality.  You gotta figure this one out yourself.

    Me, when people ask me my ethnicity, I just say I'm chop suey.  I'm all mixed up.

  3. you are from america

  4. It depends on how the question is asked. If someone asks where are you from? You say from MD state or from Bethesda City. Now if they ask where is the accent from, giving that you have an accent and they want to know, you say, "From Egypt." or if someone asks you what ethnicity you are, you can say "Egyptian". But if you are born in US, you are from US. :)

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