
Im breaking out & first day of school is soon!?

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My first day of my senior year is in two days & i'm breaking out like crazy! any help?




  1. 1. Do not put toothpaste on the zits!!! This is a common cure but all it does is dry out the skin and make it look even nastier.

    2. Leaving them alone is the best way for them to go away but it make take time so a quicker remedy may be needed.

    3. Go to the drugstore and buy some pimple cream. Follow the directions carefully.

    4. Do you wash your face everyday? Splash your face with lukewarm water and using a circular motion, massage your face all over. Make sure to get to the top of your forehead right where your hair starts to grow and the sides of your nose. Those are common spots for grease and oils to build up and washing your face twice a day will keep zits at bay.

    5. Use cleanser. This helps keep your face clean and pimple free.

    6. Greasy foods are not the problem with zits, it's touching the grease, then your face. Wash your hands and face when done eating.

    7. It may be the stress from the upcomming school year. Try to relax as much as you can before and after school starts. Stress makes your body create more grease and oils which make zits appear.

    8. Keep your hair out of your face. Hair is naturally oily and if it frequently touches your face, then your face can get an extra dose of what makes pimples appear.

    9. Drink plenty of water. It flushes the yucky stuff out of your body.

    Good luck!

  2. I use the Clean and Clear Morning Burst face wash, and my zits sort of dried up within the next day. I also used the Clean and Clear cream, but if you put too much on one place, it builds up and makes your skin look all white and weird. ;)

  3. When you go just be yourself and you'll make friends, Everyone goes through the same step you are about to take.

    Good luck

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