
Im broke and wanna learn to play poker any advice is it hard to learn and win il probaly play online?

by  |  earlier

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do u know any other get rich quick schemes




  1. This is not a get rich quick's a go broke fast scheme!

  2. Hey bomber, go on read the FAQ's, play for fun for a while, try the freeroll which is where you pay nothing to enter and stand a chance of winning cash, and then when you feel ready, go for it. Its not hard to learn and is great fun.  I recomend this site as it has 100% sign up bonus and it's new and not many players so you should be able to win quite a bit of cash.  I took quite a bit of them at the weekend, yipee. Good luck

  3. To start join deposit around 10 bucks to get yourself started. than a site i frequent is the have a good stategy section and my poker game got 100xs better from the poker conversation there.  also you can get stakes there plus invest in some really good online players. another site  is a lot smaller then the previous site but much freindlier. Many people at parttime think they are above everyone else

  4. It takes years to develop the skills needed to win significant amounts of money at poker, either live or online. There is a short cut that can help the new player learn the game faster, and start playing a professional game. It is called the Texas Holdem Dynamic Point Count Super Strategy. You can check it out here:

    If you want some poker info, and some strategy, I have several free articles on my web site and in my blog that will also help you.

    Good luck.

    And if you want a get rich fast opportunity, here it is:

    Send me $5 using PayPal to my paypal account, and I will send you all the facts, details, and instructions on how to get rich $5 at a time using the internet and answering questions from Yahoo Answers!!!! LOL, just kidding.


  5. If you wanna learn how to play poker I recommend you visit Doyles Room's lessons:

  6. I just read a great e-book about online poker. It teaches a very basic method that lets even a poker rookie profit hard from online poker. Very simple idea and a fast read!

  7. Actually having been through some tough times is a good thing for any aspiring poker player... rich kids hardly ever have what it takes to compete in the long run.

    There is plenty of stuff to read both in print and online. But the best way to learn is through experience. Start small and work your way up.

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