
Im christian and g*y?

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i'm a christian and God is my number one.... and i'm g*y. but everyone says its wrong. sometimes i wonder if the bible has been changed around over the years. but then i feel like im only ignoring the "fact" that being g*y is not right. i get so confused about this. advice, please?




  1. Your god is yours only. No one can take him away. Be who you really are, not some one that is untrue. Your god would be proud of you.

  2. its ur choice :-)

    ur g*y so what .. god loves everybody

  3. so?

    theRe's nothin wROng abOut beinG a ChRisTian anD g*y aT thE saMe timE....

    aS LoNg aS u love GoD....

    anD remember, the bibLe was maDe bY peopLe... and it haS beEn "edited" lots of times....


  4. The best of a christian is to steer out of it, the bible says it. May God hel you out. Remember God can forgive you for any past sin, come back please.

  5. i understand too. i am christian and g*y. just do what you think is best. i prayed evernight when i started getting g*y urges not because i didnt want to be g*y but because it was against him. i think that you need to pray and see what happens. he too is my number one so i feel for ya. good luck!

  6. My old boss at McDonalds was a g*y Christian, and there are some churches that don't attack you for being g*y. Just stay away from Westboro, they'll probly burn you alive.

  7. Some people would say you can be both at once, or that the Bible doesn't explicitly condemn homosexuality. Those people are called "cowards" - the Bible *does* condemn it, and you've got a choice to make. You can either continue to be part of a religion that preaches hate, violence, and intolerance; or, you can accept that man is not a fallen, sinful creature, but a beautiful, innocent creature who is undeserving of the self-loathing instilled in him by religious indoctrination.

    That's your choice.

    P.S. - I went to the Garden of Love,

    And saw what I never had seen:

    A chapel was built in the midst,

    Where I used to play on the green.

    And the gates of this chapel were shut,

    And 'Thou Shalt Not' writ over the door,

    So I turned to the Garden of Love,

    That so many sweet flowers bore.

    And I saw it was fill'd with graves,

    And tombstones where flowers should be,

    And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,

    And binding with briars my joys and desires.

    - William Blake

  8. hi Join the catholic Church they don't have any hang ups about g**s,I am gonna ask you a question ok ? Are you really g*y ,or just as your question points out you are confused

  9. Its as wrong as eating shellfish and being a Christian.

  10. If "Christians" don't like their religion, they change it.

  11. i got to church on special occasions i dont necessarily believe the religion i go with my family who is catholic i wear my pride bracelet to church (when i go which is not alot)

    and so far i havent had anyone say anything about it. i have seen people stare at my wrist. its okay to be g*y and still believe in god.

  12. I suggest being not-christian ^_^ like me g*y secular person! WOOOHOOO good luck, hah!

  13. the bible was written by man and man is flawed. god would want you to be as he made you. so do that. don't worry about other so called christians judging you.

  14. I was in your same sticky situation two days ago, I love God, but apparently if I "lie with men of the same kind" I will "parish" or something of that nature. Sure, I'm scared, but then again I'm agnostic, slowly becoming Atheist unfortunately.  

  15. I'm Catholic and I'm bi!

    Just remember that God is an all loving and all forgiving God! Although not to worry you don't need to be forgiven over your God given sexuality!

  16. i used to have this problem, but I'm now an atheist, don't understand how you can be christian to be honest when it clearly says g*y is a sin, but g*y is not wrong, its natural and if there is a god, he will know that...
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