
Im close to dunking....please help?

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i can dunk a volleyball and get hung when i try to dunk a basketball. if i hit the leg weights hard for about 1 month will i be able to gain that extra inch or two i need? i want to be able to dunk before school starts at the end of august




  1. too many people overrate the calfs and the people who do are the people who say use ankle weights and dont know anything about trainig at all, ankle weights have been proven to cause tendonitis, tendon tears, muscle imbalances, and alot of other things if you have ankle weights DO NOT run or jump in them i learned the hard way only lightly walk in them but that will make you feel lighter and probably not make you jump higher, i been training people for years try this stand flat footed and jump without bending your knees just using your calfs and ankles thats how much calfs really play a role you didnt get very high did you? what you have to do for vertical is get your strength up with squats deadlifts etc and then once you can squat 1.5 times your bodyweight you can switch to plyometrics if any questions email me

  2. For hops, concentrate on calf development. Play ball with ankle weights or a vest if need be...Another option that I've heard helps are the Jump Soles that you can probably order online...other than that, just repetition of dunking smaller balls can help too- that's what I did and it worked...

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