
Im concerned about my 12 year old son, I believe his p***s maybe to small for his age. what is average?

by  |  earlier

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I don't want to take him to the doctor if he is normal. When should his puberty begin? I know I began puberty at age 11. I know there will be a difference with him because he is a male.




  1. it is a little wrong to be seeing your 12 year olds p***s. Why are you looking?

  2. a little different for a mom to look at a 12 year old p***s, unless her really needed help with something and there were no guys to help him i would not look at his p***s. do not talk to him about it, there is no normal p***s size because everyone is different and if he feels happy with himself, then let him be happy, he should not be concerned with his p***s size, it is not good for people to worry about size of health body parts. and everyone begins puberty at a different age. i would not talk to a doctor unless he has trouble going on has some problem with it.

  3. Wow, I feel bad for your kid! That must be horrible being 12 years old and having your mother look at your p***s, then take him to the doctor so he and see it too and say whether it is normal or not.
    He is 12. I would understand if he was 3.. but try and give him some space.

  4. If you want your child to be hung like a horse,it is probably not going to happen unless his dad was a stallion ?
    As you know, ( I hope ) genetics determines pretty much everything.If his dad had a beenie weenie,he probably will too.
    Unfortunately you really can not  pick the genes you had prefer !

  5. it may be 15 before he hits puberty, till then do not worry about

  6. If i was a mom and my kid told me to look at his p***s..... i would not i am 12 and i would not even let my mom see anything

  7. Who cares about his p***s...

    Is he hot?

  8. um well first why are you looking at your sons p***s i know im a girl and all but even i say that is kinda gross
    anyways back to your problem you should not really worry about the size of your sons p***s it will grow sooner or later i mean this is like girls on their periods. like i know some girls have had their first period when they were 9 years old and others have their first period at the age of 16 and 17 but they still got it so really you dont have to worry about your son
    hopes this help :]

  9. You might want to direct your question to one of the web doctors. One is for public information.

  10. Size does not matter. Anyone will tell you that. Whether or not it is functional is what matters. Why are you looking at his p***s, anyway? The fact that your 12 year old is ok with it and that you are, too, is a little disturbing...

  11. I agree with Alyssas mommy. Do not you find it a little strange to be looking at your 12 yr old sons p***s.

  12. ok your his mom that just anit right

    10 year old girl dont even let me see her naked and im  her mom

  13. Can not you kids come up with better c**p?  This same old tired story has been going around for years on line.  Is it because you spend too much time online and not enough time using your own brains and no longer have a decent imagination?

  14. Everyone is different!!  Besides, he is the one to be concerned or not, not you.  Plus, if your husband is bigger, it is because he is an adult!  Does it matter!

  15. seeing that im a 13 year old girl , if i was a guy i would NOT want my mother too see my p***s , or anyone else either.. just leave him alone i dont think he likes u doing that geez.

  16. I personally do not think a parent should be looking at or thinking about that with their 12 year old son.

  17. At 12, he may not have started puberty at all, in which case his p***s may be downright minuscule, especially when flaccid (the only condition you should be seeing it in) and perfectly normal.  Sometime in the next year or so he should have a regular routine physical anyway.  If he has an abnormally small p***s, the doctor will notice.  If not, there's nothing you can do about a smaller-than-average p***s anyway.

  18. Why are you concerned about your sons p***s and why do you know what size it is?

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