
Im concerned about my behaviour and how i deal with stress?

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when i get really angry or i hold things in because im tryin to be weary of peoples emotions.. when i finally do confront people i feel stressed & i shake.. i can talk perfectly fine but i get really anxious.. its weird.. im a generally laid back person so when i get upset i get upset good lol... now before u say i dont say how i feel and bottle things up.. its just that im very repercussion aware.. growing up i have too many times gotten myself in alot or trouble or hurt people unecesariyl just because i didnt think .. so now im careful and i like to take a while to think about what i really feel and wat i have to say.. & i guess its also a case of tryin to please every1


im not usually stressed but for eg when my boyfriend & i of 3 years broke up because i had let him down i felt so angry at myself.. just really really tense.. & it was like i ***** breathe and i started to pinch myself and it was a release.. and um.. yeh.. dat REALLY disturbs me i dont wana self harmer.




  1. Go see a counsleor.  Sounds like you need medication.  If you don't want to do that, then you just gotta work it out yourself.  You sound like you're pretty young, and hormones may be coming into play.  It will get better as you get older, but if you are starting to pinch yourself, or cause yourself pain involuntarily in any way, I would seriously suggest going to see a counselor.  There is nothing wrong with doing that.  I saw a counselor for a year when i was younger and it helped me immensely.

  2. You need just to talk to someone about what stresses you, like you're doing right now, only directly so you can get your emotions out and have someone understand you. You might find some free psychologist or call a hot line, they'll listen. Your type of stress is normal so don't think it isn't. There's lots of people like you who go to therapist just for this reason. If you have a relative you can talk to and would understand, then ask them if they would listen. Don't hurt yourself, it won't do any good, I wish I could listen to you and help you more, but my prayers and thoughts are with you. Take care.

  3. Read Scripture.Hebrews Matthew and Job.

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