Lol I feel funny asking this but I am 38 weeks pregnant and just realized how much i DONT know about the stages of pregnancy and stuff. Well, it is my first baby so dont blame me.
Alright so, first question.
When a doctor strips your cervix/membranes what does that mean?
When my mucus plug came out is that a result of him stripping my cervix?
Also, when my water breaks is that because i have fully effaced? (currently 80% right now, 2cm dilated, lost mucus plug yesterday).
Also, when you dilate that is the cervix opening right?
I feel like I am confusing myself but im curious how all of that works. And please dont tell me to go ask my doctor I wanna hear it in womans plain english terms and i will most likely forget next time i see him anyway. So can someone explain the stages of dilation and effacing with mucus plug and water breaking all together? Lol sorry if I have confused you.