
Im confused about this guy...?

by  |  earlier

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long story short, i saw him i fancied him, my friend told him, (annoyingly), weswapped numbers, texted, kinda made friends, but like, now im confused...

he starts the conversations, sometimes theyre really playful, sometimes he's kinda crabby towards me. (when i say crabby, i mean, talks to me like ive just ruined his life)

he KNOWS very well i have a crush on him,

yet he's always the one to start the conversations,

i gave up talking to him along time ago, seeing as he used to COMPLETLY blank me.

now im confused?

its like, he wants to talk to me, he knows i only talk back cause i think he's GORGEOUS,

bu he's rather blunt.

is he, or is he not interested?




  1. he is probably more confused than you but a relation ship with this guy will go nowhere fast

  2. not interested in my opinion.

    He would make an effort. And not act that way towards you.

    He would flatter and try to get you, so no. Sorry

  3. if im honest..

    he's talking to you b'cos he knows u will pay him the attention he wants b'cos he knows full well you like him!

  4. hes probably got a girlfriend. sorry just a thought x

  5. not interested but enjoys seeing your discomfort.

  6. You know what?  I've come to a conclusion that if the guy isn't asking to see you or making an efforts to see you then he's not interested.  It's happening w/ me and I've become bored so goodbye to him. I can't be hassled anymore w/ trying anymore.

    If he does like you, let him contact you and be "into" you.  I guess that's how you'll really know.

    Good luck***

  7. Doesn't seem like he is. He would make more of an effort to talk to you and be friendly towards you if he was.

  8. He's playing you.

  9. Oooh this is a hard one. Maybe he's interested but is a bit confused about you. Or maybe you're a confidence boost for him, he likes the fact you think he's gorgeous so he talks to you?

    He doesn't sound the type you could have a steady relationship with really, I'm sorry to say.

    Good luck!

  10. He's certainly not interested in your feelings!  Sounds like he calls when he has nothing better to do, and if he's in a bad mood, he takes it out on you!

    You deserve better, kiddo.

    Being GORGEOUS just doesn't cut it!  

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