
Im confused on beta breeding.?

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I want to breed my betas and i've been researching on it....ALOT!

but im confused on what to feed the babies, male and female. Could you give me step by step on what to do. Elaborate on what to feed the babies and female and male.




  1. i had a male and a female, now just a female =(

    they had about 500 and only 200 lived..

    ok you take the girl out after shes done, usually like 5 hours later but leave the boy in.

    after 3 days take the male out or h**l eat the babies =(

    feed them algea!! you can use like grass in water and wait a few days algea will form.

    mine died when they were 2 weeks old, but 10 survived :)

  2. First things first. Before you have them spawn, you'll want to 'condition' your male and female for 2 weeks. Let them see each other for about 10 minutes a day, and feed them twice a day - high-quality pellet food (such as Hikari Bio-Gold) and either freeze-dried or frozen foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp.

    Don't feed them when they're in the spawning tank. When you remove the female after the pair have spawned, give her a good meal, and the same goes for when you remove the male. After that, you should feed them well for a few days afterwords, then go back to their regular diet.

    On to the babies! Betta fry will NOT eat dry food. Trust me, I've tried it. You'll need live food and cultures. A lot of people use microworms as a first food, but I've actually never had much success with them. Feed them baby brine shrimp. There are a lot of diagrams and info on how to set up a hatchery and such online, but it's all a ton of work, messy, noisy, on and on...get 2 or 3 of the San Francisco Bay Brand Shrimpery kits. Those things are AWESOME - use the hatch packets that come with them, and just add pure BBS eggs 2x a day. Change the water in them every week, adding a new packet. They'll continue to produce a constant suppy of BBS for your babies, no muss, no fuss. I highly recommend them!

    Your babies should be fed once they're free swimming. Some people believe the newly hatched BBS are too big for new betta fry, but I've never had a problem. They should eat BBS exclusivly until they're 5 weeks old. At that time, you can slowly start to introduce them to dry food. They still may be too small to eat commercial pellets - I just grind the pellets up in a pepper mill to make them small enough. A good food to use is Atison's Betta PRO, as it's smaller than most pellet foods, but your pet store may not carry it - I know I have to order mine online.

    Good luck!!

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