
Im confused.....?

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im planning on breastfeeding... so my baby wont eat or drink anything except my breastmilk? how will it eat?! wont it get tired for just breastmilk?! when can i give him or her something more??




  1. No, it won't get tired of it.  Around 6 months or so (your pediatrician can tell you more) you can start introducing other types of food- but still breastfeed if you want.  I'd slowly introduce other things, because you won't breastfeed forever!

  2. the baby don't start baby food till the age of six months of age.

  3. Do your baby a favour and go and take a parenting class or two.

  4. Your baby will only drink your breast milk until its like 6 months old. If you decide to feed her that long. Your body will produce enough to feed your baby. It seems crazy but it does. If she is not getting enough you can always supplement with formula.

  5. Is this a serious question? They only drink formula or breast milk in the begining. They don't know anything else why would they get sick of it. Read a few books. u may need some tips on other topics. I hope you have some time if you r expecting.
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