
Im confused with eyeshadow... help please!

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ok so basically im confused on how to apply eyeshadow. I got this 4 set eyeshadown with a color for the brow bone, eyelid, crease, and corner of eyelid. where exactly do i put all of this?? any advice or tips how to do this? pictures, videos, or just step byt step guidelines would be greatly appriciated! (i have school pictures tomorrow!) THANKS!




  1. usually, the lightest shade goes under the eyebrow (the browbone) this is a highlighter. The darkest shade goes in the crease above your eyelid. The idea is that things made darker recede and things mad elighter appear forward so you are making your eyes look a little deeper which highlights them. So the lightest on the browbone, the second lightest on the eyelid, the darkest on the crease and the last one, use to rim your eye on the top and bottom as close to your eyelashes as possible. I hope this helps! :)

  2. You don't need to use all of them. You can get away with just two.

    Chose one of the lighter colours and apply it all over the lid.

    Then add a darker colour in the outer corner and crease of the lid and blend it.

  3. CLICK ON THIS LINK!!!! YOU WILL BE AMAZED! It shows you how to cover acne with fondation and conceler and lots of makeup tips like making your eyes pop!!! JUst scroll threw the videos!!! Good LUck

  4. 1.) okay, the darkest color gos nearest to your    eyelashes.

    2.) the second darkest color goes into the crease

    3.) the lighter colors, the shades that are like almost sheer, go by your brow bone, and the corner of the eye. **a light sparkly color in the inner corner of your eye "opens" up the eye.

    And also, to make the color last longer, apply primer before everything.

    This link has a video:

    Hope I helped! Good Luck! =]

  5. Go to and type in "eye makeup tutorial", and you'll find plenty of videos that show you step by step how to do your makeup.  It's easier to learn by watching than by reading and trying to figure it out yourself.

  6. okayy i can help! : )

    browbone (otherwise known as a highlight) is the lightest color in the eyeshadow quad. you put it right under your eyebrow. it helps you eyes look brighter, and your brow arches look higher. you also put this color in the inner corner, which will brighten your eyes as well!

    eyelid is the next lightest color.. you put it right on your lid, only up to your crease, which leads me to...

    the crease is the darkest of the 4 colors. the crease where you put it is under your brow bown and above your lid. its the part of the eyelid where your eyeball stops. lol its so hard to explain! feel your eyelid and you will be able to feel where your eyeball stops. thats where the crease it. you put the darkest color there because it makes your eye have depth.

    then, the outer corner is the 2nd to darkest color. and you just put it on the outer corner of your eye!

    hope that helps! :D

    EDIT- i just saw your additional details on what order to do ittttt

    1. the lid color

    2. the crease color

    3. the the outer corner color

    4. the hightlight (browbone and inner corner!)

  7. its alot harder taking advice from ppl u cant see I am sure u will have better luck going to youtube and searching make up techniques hun lots of diff make up looks  and the best part is they give  you step by step instructions you can see good luck hun practise practise dont scrub ur face tonight u will look red tomorrow just lighty take off the make u try  

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