
Im cooking steak......?

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Lasdt time my mum cooked it it was really tough I couldnt even cut it, I do have it well done but it wasnt because of that cause Ive had it before and wasnt like that. Im going to fry it so has anyone got any tips to make it less tough? Like do I put it into hot oil then leave temp high or turnm temp down and so on, thanks!




  1. To make a juicy tender steak you need to sear the outside till it's browned. (Not dark brown like you see in those commercials. That dark brown comes from the marinade.) Then when it's browned and slightly charred on the outside, stick it in the oven. The broil feature and to cook the steak to the desired status (Well done, medium well, rare) you will need to find the cook time online.

  2. What comes to mind is that the cuts of meat you are eating either require a different kind of cooking, or are considered "select" versus "choice" or "prime".  If a meat is tender, then it doesn't matter if you cook it well done or not.  So, here are some ideas:

    1.  Check out the kind of steak your mum is cooking.  If it's like a London Broil or flank steak etc. then season and slice against the grain into thin slices.  Slicing against the grain will cut thru the fibrous material and gristle.

    2.  If you are eating tri-tip, than cook for longer than usual on indirect heat.  The end result should be tender.

    Consider a natural meat tenderizer by marinating your steaks overnight in something with an acidic base such as citrus juice, wine or vinegar.  Here's a mixture I've enjoyed:

    3 T Soy Sauce

    3 T Worcestershire sauce

    1 Sprig Rosemary

    2 cloves garlic, smashed

    1 tsp fresh ground pepper

    1/2 cup red wine

    Good luck!

  3. Follow crystal's advice allow the steak to come up to room temp. Cold meat will always be tough.

  4. cook it slow...

    poke holes in it with a knife before cooking.

  5. Get the pan red hot

    Put steak in and push it down and leave for 4 mins

    turn and poush it down and leave for 4 mins

    out it in a plate and leave for 3 mins so the juices go back in


  6. Marinate your meat in buttermilk for at least an hour, up to overnight. The enzymes in the milk will help break down the connective tissue in the meat that make it tough. Then fry it at a relatively low temperature.  No need in starting with the oil really hot. That causes it to cook too fast and makes the meat tough.

  7. NEVER EVER PUSH DOWN ON A STEAK, it'll dry it out! YUCK!

    I've panfried a steak, but like using my grill pan better. I season it with sea salt or kosher salt and make sure it's gotten the chill off. It should be about room temperature. If you cook a cold steak it'll be really tough.. yuck.

    Heat your skillet with enough olive oil to coat the bottom of the pan, no more, put it on Med-High. Place the steak on the pan and let it sear, you'll hear it sizzle and pop, after about five minutes, turn the heat down to about medium and turn the steak. Let it cook for another 4-5 minutes. Then take it out and place a tented tin foil and let it rest for ten minutes. You have to give the juices time to redistribute.

    Then serve!  

  8. A lot of times, the type of steak you buy already determines roughly how tough or not it will be after cooking.  Top sirloin steaks are often more tender, while cube steaks can be tough.  Soaking your steak in a marinade can help to moisten it, and you can also manually tenderize it before cooking.

    I've included a link for a tasty marinade that I've tried, as well as how to tenderize steak.

  9. it would help if you can post the cut of steak you are cooking.  it would be on the package.

  10. cooking steak

    Steaks are ideal for grilling or pan frying. Grilling is a healthier method of cooking as any fat can drip away during cooking

    Always preheat the grill or pan for a couple of minutes before starting to cook your steak

    When grilling position the grill pan approximately 5cm (2”) away from the heat source and cook the steaks under a moderately high heat.

    When pan frying it is only necessary to use about 5ml (1tsp) oil. After preheating the pan adjust the heat to a moderately high setting.

    Why not try griddling your steaks if you have a griddle pan. These are like frying pans with a ridged base that create the look and taste of a barbecue leaving char-grilled stripes on the steaks. There is no need to add any oil to the griddle pan, just get the pan nice and hot and cook as you would do when pan frying.

    The timings given below are for each side. It is only necessary to turn the steaks once during cooking. Simply cook the steaks for the recommended time on one side, then turn them over and cook for the remaining time. The more the steaks are prodded and turned the drier they will become, leaving them to cook untouched will produce more succulent results.

  11. Marinate it in something that has lemon juice or other acidic component.  That helps to break down the meat fibers.  Also, don't turn it alot, that will toughen meat too.  Learn to eat it medium to medium rare too.  It won't hurt you and it will be more tender.

  12. We NEVER fry steak.  If it can't be BBQ ed, then I cook it in the oven.  Put it on at 350 for 1/2hr.  For well done, probably 40 mins.  Add your BBQ sauce for the last 10 mins.  If you have to fry it, I would cut it down a bit and cool it with some sliced tomatoes and green peppers and/or onions.

  13. use a natural meat tenderizer first.  then cook it as usual.

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