
Im crying and I dont know what to do??

by  |  earlier

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my parents keep fighting all the time.

its not stupid fights like dirty dishes or not cleaning up,its bigger than that

My mom is the one who always starts the fights and she brings up stuff that shouldnt even come up.

she always brings my step dads family into it ALL the time and then she says how im closer to him and that its my fault too

Every day she starts a fight like this and Im sick and tired of it.

I keep thinking that I should call the police or child services but then I think about how I'll be sent to a foster home and lose my dogs(who are the only thing close to me) and everything I have

please help me,this is really hurting me

and I cant just hide somewhere or stay at someones house i have no where to go




  1. Show ur mum this post!

    See if it changes her attitude!

    Bless ya  

  2. Im really sorry to hear that.

    One of the best things to do is ring a child shouldnt worry about being taken away from your parents. If you dont tell anyone about the arguing or how you feel it could make you ill and make other things with your family worse.

    There are always people who you can talk to. maybe even a teacher at school or a best friend. If you feel really bad you may go stay with a close relative.

    I recomened that you do get help though and do something about it. Not just for you, but for your mum and dad aswell.

    I hope this all gets better soon.


  3. I didn't notice where you said that you've tried talking to both of them at the same time?  Or even to just your mom.  The lack of communication brings strife. However, that won't always work especially if your mom needs some mental help.  My dad always argued when I was a kid and my parents constantly were fighting, only to find out many years later that my dad has bi-polar.  AND he wont take any medication for it.  They are now divorced, (thank God) but he's still a mess.  Maybe she needs some help.  If she continues on like this, she is only s******g up everyones future, including you and her's relationship and this marriage.  Like the other reply said, you are not to blame, but you do need to do something to change your situation.  Living in an unhealthy environment will only breed in you in unhealthy lifestyle.  Eventually, you could get into drugs/alcohol/s*x/etc to cover up the hurt and the pain.  But the pleasure that you get from those will only last for a season, and then you're back to the reality.  So do yourself a favor, call the cops, or whatever, but find some help.  If not for your mom, for YOU!

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