
Im curious about down-there..?

by  |  earlier

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Noticing my mums, i feel like i have an ab-normal v****a. I am too embarrased to go to the doctors, or show my mum.. But how else would i find out?




  1. dont worry itz normal

    can you answer my question please:

  2. First of all, the likelyhood you have seen your mums v****a is slim to none unless you have been doing something utterly illegal. Youre more likely to be meaning her clitoris/labia. In which case, every womans is different. And yours will change as you get older so dont worry.

  3. there all normal dont worry about this

  4. hun, everyone is different. maybe you just arent fully devolped yet. and your mum is olderr sooo idk

  5. Why do you look at your mums..... You see it once don't you and thats the day you are born? You can't remember that I know.

  6. lol.

    if you have 2 outer 'flaps' called the labia, that is normal.

    if you have 2 inner labia as well, that is normal.

    if you have a clitoris, and a v****a and a urethra that is normal.

    everyone's looks different, just like guys penises aren't all the same.

    I'm sure you've nothing to worry about :)

  7. vaginas come in all different shapes and sizes.. you can check on the internet they have sites that teach teenagers about s*x and stuff.. and they show diagrams of the different type of vaginas..

  8. Why were you looking at your mum's va-j-j ?????????

    Remember your mum's had at least one child.

    I know the Doctor can seem embarassing but once you're there it's ok.

  9. there is a significant age difference between you and your mum and so you will see a difference, no 2 ever look the same anyway. remember that your mum has seen all of you and would have noticed if something wasnt right, try not to worry im sure that everything is totally normal

  10. get a hand mirrior and look down there

  11. Your Mum has had a baby or more than hers will of course be different to yours..and she is a grown are not finished yet! All vaginas are different..but I remember worrying too...I think young women should be able to see pics of lady bits as part of sx education...then hey'd know they were normal!

  12. It's difficult to know why you think your v****a is ab-normal with a brief question.  I understand you can't go into too much detail.  If you are still worrying and you feel depressed over this, please see your doctor.  There's nothing to be embarrassed about.  This is a problem with most people, they have a sexual problem or they think something else is wrong (and I used the word "think" something else is wrong because most of the time things turn out to be nothing were anyone is worrying over nothing) but seeing a doctor is the best thing.  I've advised other people about this before.  Doctors never laugh at anything like this because they can get into trouble if they do because it's never funny.  You will be happy you saw your doctor if you do and I'm sure you're worrying over nothing.  Every man and every woman's genitals look slightly different to others, strange as it might sound.  I have a rash on my backside and I get spots there and it's awkward but I wasn't embarrassed to see my doctor.  I had a sexual problem a while ago where I couldn't perform with s*x and I wasn't embarrassed and I'm not joking about those two things about myself.  I never said that to make you feel better, I said what I mean.

    I've read loads of topics about people suffering with a problem and they were too embarrassed to get advice or help and I always wonder why suffer in silence?  All the time people like yourself keep it to yourself you'll worry more and you can make yourself mentally ill over it by suffering with stress or depression next and that is not worth it.  Why suffer with more?  All it takes is a visit to your doctor and I'm 99% sure he'll or she'll tell you you're fine and your mind will be relaxed and you can enjoy life again.  Please take my advice about what to do.  

    As I said, not all vaginas look exactly the same, some are slightly different and not all penises look the same, some are slightly different.  It's like faces.  They all have two ears, two eyes, a nose and a mouth but we all don't look the same.

    Just suppose you do have a problem, your doctor can help you with medication.  Most people have a mild problem that can be cured easy but I don't think you have a problem apart from my suspicion about you worrying over nothing.

    Take care.

    P.S.  Telling you mum will make you both pleased you asked because she will be pleased you asked her.  She'll understand.  She'll probably give you a hug and tell you not to worry.

    By the way, don't take any notice of Vageena.  I feel annoyed with that member because he might have made you feel a lot worse.  I read another member's replies after I posted mine and they all say what I mentioned in parts of my reply.  Luckily there's an Edit icon so that I can put your mind at rest if Vageena worried you more.  Don't listen to him.

  13. u wont get much help from yahoo...we can't get you an answer coz..well..we don't know what's wrong with you v****'s not a suggestion of putting a picture up!!no way! to a doctor hun...a female one..obviously.goodluck

  14. Whats abnormal about it and remember there is no such thing as abnormal so what is possibly could normal be?

  15. well how old are you are you sexually active if you are sexually active then you should go to the doctors for a yearly pap smear so you can talk to you  doctor then

  16. Vaginas are all different. Vaginas are not pleasant looking, but they're nothing to be ashamed of. If a guy mistreats you based on that, then he's not worth your time.

  17. If you feel that way then you should show or talk to your mom or doctor I am sure you have nothing wrong but to settle how you feel that would be your best bet

  18. There are sites, I use to think mine was too, but being different down there means you're normal =]

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