
Im curious to hear what other people have to say about this?

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i was told my a few coworkers that the health insurance through our work will not cover birth control because it is a catholic affiliated hospital that we work in. i was very shocked and upset by this (i have health insurance through somewhere else thankfully) but then last night i was talking to another friend about this and she said more and more health insurance companies are not covering birth control because it is a "choice" well isnt ALL medication a choice? so my question is if birth control wont be covered then why is there any deductible at all for child birth? all the complaining in this country about people who cant take care of their 7 kids but continueing to have more and tax payers paying for their welfare this. i am shocked.




  1. That is a bunch of BS if you ask me.  That would have been my primary concern if I was writing a health care bill or something is to make sure that there is birth control out there 'cause that is needed very heavily in our active s*x life world that we live in.

  2. Outstanding question. It seems to me that not covering birth control would be a detriment to the hospitals work staff. I mean, it would cost so much more to have the workers out on maternity leave and being short handed, understaffed and all than it would cost to just supply birth control and leave the pregnancy decisions to the parents.

  3. I don't think picking between pain or comfort, life or death is necessarily a "choice". Meds oftentimes keep people alive and give them quality of life. Would you "choose" debilitating pain and/or death over popping a couple of pills a day and living a pain-free and meaningful life? I'm guessing the majority of the population would pick the latter.

    I, for one, definitely agree that birth control is not a necessary med so shouldn't be covered. Should they buy condoms for the male workers, too? The only exception should be if the birth control is prescribed for medical reasons (painful/heavy menstruation, etc.).

    Child birth is covered because it is a legitimate medical expense.  

  4. I bet they cover Viagra.

  5. You ever hear of natural family planning.  You should be grateful you have a job instead of complaining about your work not paying for your sexual promescuities.  You can not prevent certain genetic dispositions that would require you to take medicine for better health, You can prevent who and when you chose to have s*x with someone.  Im a sure the founders of your hospital would be as upset and shocked with as you are with them for failing to recgonize the value and sanctity of human life.  

  6. well Id have to agree. If they dont want to pay for the birth control, then they'd better get ready to fund the babies born out of wedlock then..

    But with the mentality they have, they'll probably say.. since birth control is a choice, then promiscuity is a choice also.. they'll tell you to choose to be celebate... haha!.. Im sure of this...  

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