
Im curious...why do you stay when youve failed?

by  |  earlier

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Ive always wondered this. If I ever broke up with or my boyfriend ever broke up with me, I would consider it over and make steps to move on. But I see so many people on here that say "Weve been on and off for 2 years" or whatever. If you are off, what makes you want to go back to on? You obviously have some unsolveble problem with this person that made you break up with them (or them with you), so why go back and try it again for it to just fail again? If you cant make it 2 years, what makes you think you'll make it 20? Can someone please explain this to me?




  1. Tough question - but I've been there.  All situations are different so don't try and judge.

    I've been with the same man for many years and we had some bad times (the first two years were really tough.)  Somehow we got past the worst of it and finally figured things out.

  2. because its someone u can always go back to. atleast its someone and its someone u loved

  3. omg, thank you for asking this question! tell me when you find out!

  4. some people break up for stupid reasons and then realize they broke up for something dumb or there so use to each other, they feel empty. i was the same way as you but then things changed when i met my last gf which i just broke up with today and probly will never go back with her....shes cool so where still friends.  

  5. habit or covenience. Some people get scared at the thought of having tostart fresh with someone else or scared of being alone so they go back to what they're used of.. personally when it's over there is no going back. my finace let his ex break-up wih him go back to her husband then ack to hm for 5 years before he left her for good.. i don't know how people can say they're happy that way. your either with someone or your not

  6. I agree with you when it's over be done with it.  Who cares if it failed why waste everybodys time.  Saying that though when I was younger I did the same thing and kept going back with someone who I knew it would never work out- I guess I was just bored.

  7. I have an on again off again relationship, and now that you've pointed it out like that, Im not really sure why I go back... I guess love makes you do stupid things....

  8. i guess you've never fell in love before or never thought you fell in love before or never liked someone that much before

    I never did so its just assumption.  But humans want to believe.  Believe that it will be ok again and im guessing if they believe they are in love then everything will work out again.

    In some cases yes, they get back together and last forever, in some cases it'll just forever be the on and off things.

    I guess you making plans to move on it's either something really unforgivable happened or you were never serious. btw im not judging this is my opinion and sorry if i am wrong of offended you, i mean no offence.

    Anyways thats what i think.  You never know what you're up for until it's the end, it may work out and when people believe they love another they will stick on to it and try to prove that itll work out

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