
Im currently doing Thai Boxing, and I was Sparring...?

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I was sparring some next guy and he seem to always get his hits on me. What got me confused was that his lead hand was always lowerd, so when I went for a jab, somtimes a jab-cross, he would always counter with a fast and powerfull jab or cross himself. What I do not understand is that he had more weight on than me, I would understand why he would have more power, but speed. How could I improve my boxing for muay thai and gain more speed, agility, and power. Any drillss? Currently I have been doing muay thai for about a year and have a fight coming up in a couple months, I thought I had my boxing down till I faced this next guy. Please help me some how so I could improve my boxing. Please ONLY PEOPLE WITH EXPERIENCE AND THAT KNOW THERE STUFF ANSWER THIS QUESTION.

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  1. He was timing you for his counter punches.  It is possible that you were telegraphing your punches or simply just too predictable with your combinations, but it sounds like he knew what you were going to throw, and he was ready to counter before you started your combinations.  If you are telegraphing your punches, have a couple trusted coaches or ring rats watch your sparring, then have them tell you what you are doing just before you throw your punches and make corrections.  Once you are aware of your flaws, that's half the battle..  Alter your attack to prevent the problem, Sun Tsu was right, all warfare is based on deception, and if he knows whats coming, it makes it easier for him to respond.  Make sure you vary your attack so that he isn't waiting for you to throw the same  combinations, that way it, if you mix it up, it will be tougher for him to figure out how you will be coming at him.  Try feinting instead of actually following through your usual attack to draw his counter, then counter the counter puncher.  Make sure you mix up your attack, then he won't be able to counter you quite so easily.

    Good luck.

  2. Maybe he has more talent and is a better athlete then ou,  you ever think of that of being the reason of why he is quicker then you.

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