
Im daughter is 4 months old. She's been teething for 2 months. She has every sypmtom. When will I see teeth?

by  |  earlier

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She started teething 2 months ago, she drooled, chewed, started eating more often, coughing, everything that sounds like teething. Her gums are swollen and white now, she chews on EVERYTHING! and eats all the time. But I dont see teeth still. As soon as the gel goes on shes fine. Is it really teething? If so, when could I see teeth?




  1. All three of my children started teething around 4 months.  My sons got their first at 6 1/2 months.  But my daughter?  I didn't see her first tooth until she was 13 months old! And then she got four within a week.  Every baby's different.  You never know when that first tooth will come through.  It could be this week or a year from now and still be normal.  Good luck!

  2. my daughter cut her first one at about 5 1/2 months...and second one started cutting through about a week after that

  3. My son did the exact same thing at about 2 months.  After a few weeks, it didn't seem to be as bad and then at 4 1/2 months it started up again but alot worse and I could really see the white.  Then 2 days later he got his first tooth.  10 days later, his second came in.  

    Oh, be careful if you're using oragel to not use it when she is lying down.  My friend is a pharmasist and they are starting to keep the stuff behind the shelf so they can warn parents against using it because it can numb the throat and cause choking (babies have so much saliva that it carries it into the throat).

  4. Sorry, but I don't think she is teething.  Her teeth may be "shifting" around underneath her gums....

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