
Im day 18, bd day 8 and i felt an egg pop day 9, if (fingers crossed!) im pregnant whats happening right now?

by  |  earlier

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what i mean is whats happening to the fertilized egg? any good websites? i know i should not think about it but I'm enjoying fantasizing, makes the wait easier,,,,been ttc since october last year but this is the 1st time we had a bd day before an egg popped,,,my cycles are weird in that i ovulate at unusual times, my cycle varies from 24 to 29 days. and yes i have symptoms,,,,as i do every month, i feel pregnant every month! (ttc#3, but 1st for my man)




  1. there is many signs...of knowing if your ovulating a clear like stretchy discharge...and yes you can have sharp tummy pains during ovulation...which sometimes are kinda hard to detect with whether it being with ovulation or something else...there is a good view websites out there that will help you track a future pregnancy which i am using now...bc im currently waiting to see if i am is one i personally like due to the videos it shows..and images...I really do hope all works out for you...noone knows your body like you do right? hehe.....

    here is the login in page to  create your calendar...

    here is what mine is...if i am pregnant...

  2. Hello!  There's a lot of good specific weekly info on this website:

    And there are actual ultrasound pics and good diagrams on this site:

    This site gives a nice overview of weekly development:

    I hope this helps!  Good luck to you!

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