
Im deciding to become a vegitarian. i need tips and help?

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I am an animal lover. I am 14 years old, and i want to cut meat, chicken, and fish, from my daily diet. chicken and meat are a main source of food in my house. my parents barbeque allot, and it doesnt help. I need some tips and some examples of snax and stuff that i can eat that dont include meat. im going camping next week and i need some examples of snacks to bring with me, because they are going to be barbecueing every night! I have braces and they are hurting too, so the snacks need to be kinda soft? please help me! i need recipes, snack ideas, tips on how to stick with being a vegitarian, especially when there is meat sitting in my kitchen 24/7! HELP





  1. well,vegetarians CAN eat fish and seafood. it is a source of protein that you need if you aren't going to eat meat. try eating lots of fruits like raspberries and strawberries (since they are soft) or yogurt or mix them both. you can buy veggie burgers and veggie hot dogs at the store. also, soup feels good on your teeth if you have braces (i know i have them) if your going camping, you probably shouldn't have marshmallows since they contain cow bone marrow. there are lots of vegetarian websites you can visit to learn more. happy camping :)

  2. i totallyget where you are coming from.

    when i was twelve i made the transition to vegetarian on my own,just start off slow, not likeme who cut things out for good, it made it harder for me. im not saying its not possible cause i didnt eat meat after that day but it makes it easier if you cut one thing at a time, like weekonecut cow, weektwo cut pig, wekthree cut chicken and weekfour/five cut seafood& anything else. but it will be hard  during thetransition but just think of the animals lives you are saving and howmuch healthier you will be.i did the same thing when i did the transition to vegan 3 moths ago but jus take it slow.

  3. fruits seafood yogurts:)

    you can get tips on peta or

  4. The best advice is to read the label on everything. Glycerin and gelatin are both animal products.

    Oh, and FISH IS MEAT.

  5. You should decide if you are going to still eat other animal products.  I am not a vegetarian in the strict sense, but I do not eat "real" meat. I still eat lunchmeat and lots of dairy products.  I consider it doing my part and still getting needed nutrition.  You will also need to take a multi-vitamin to replace necessary nutrients.  They make special ones for vegetarians.  Good snacks are: trail mix, whole wheat crackers, cheese sticks(if you go that route), and fresh vegetables and fruit.  I love fried veggies!!! They satisfy my fried food cravings.  Good luck in this venture and I hope that your family is supportive! That will make all the difference.

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