
Im depressed because my really close guy friend is...?

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Hes gotten into a lot of trouble,,i love him a lot and hes totally changing into a different person .. its like i dont even no who he is anymore ! Im not missing you, im missing the person i thought u where</3.. hes getting into drugs and hanging around with the wrong crowd.. He almost died from overdose one night a few weeks ago and im always worryed.. its like the worse feeling also in LOVE with him :( and dont no how he feels either, i try so hard tho..honestly my hardestt, all his TRUE friends dont even like him..they liked the old him but hes changed so much and doing drugs everyday,, its sad when his old friends which again the ttrue ones talk to me about it and tell me how they dont even understand his life anymore and dont want anthing to do with him if hes going to be this way. it really pains my heart to hear,see,and discover things that break me </3..hes honeslty all i ever think about 24/7 and i dont want anything to happen to him! Hes willing to loose his virginity to anyone..wen hes drunk he trys to get girls have s*x with him and we all ttry to stop him cause the nextt thing we need is a pregnant girl! hes sexually active and he'll have s*x with any girl he thinks is hot and he doesnt care when hes drunk which is a bad thing, just hes so immature and doesnt care about his life coz hes gone throguh some pretty bad times, i mean we tell eachother everything all the time and now its like he wont even tell me if anything is happpeneing at home with him which is making him act this way but i have no clue ,i want us to be able to hang out again. and same with his old friends, and him stop doing drugs,drinking and actually care about life, life shouldnt be tooken for granted :( so what do you think i should do..i also know i shouldnt be in love with someone like this..its just the way he lights my canndle whenever it burnts just amazes me..and hes so sweet..cute..funny theres lots of things i like about him..but more that i pleaseeee HELP ME!!! i dont no what id do without him and want to get him some help before something major happens, he has already got in **** with the law and all that c**p a millions of times, hes got high and did dumb things..millions of times,,hes tryed having s*x..millions of times..WHEN WILL HE EVER LEARN HIS LESSON? i know hes only 14,,and LOTS of girls like him so its easy for him to get any..but he likes this girl.shes so jealus because he loves her alot,,but she cant hang out or even talk to because hes so bad but what the **** does that teach him..if he truly loved this girl wouldnt he atleast try to stop? NO nothing stops him.he just does whatver the **** he wants, i always read my/his friends blogs talking about the same thing as me..his friends always text,call,message,email,IM him and he never awnsers them and it ofcourse worrys them..just what do i do..this turns my sun into the moon and want it all to go away!! thanks. : ' (




  1. okay you really need to tell him how worried you are.

    Usually it takes someone close to tell you your changing to make you realisde you are.

    If he really does love you, weather its as a best friend or in love with you he will realise what hes done and maybe try to change his ways.

    You need to maybe ring him and arrange to meet him, or take him to your housee, or go to his if you can?

    You dont really need to tell him about your love for him unless you want to, becuase if you tell him you love him on top of everything maybe it will be a bit too much for him to handle.

    Hope I Helpeddd


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