
Im depressed cause its cloudy?

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I live in florida and when its summertime, i associate it with hot days, blue skies. and generally, during like mid-june it gets all retarded,and itll be cloudy all fuggin day long. i knew it always annoyed me, but i didnt realise i get depressed when its like this. like right now i am so depressed, and its so cloudy outside, and i have nothign to do inside. i am a big enjoyer of hot weather, when the grass is green, wen the sky is blue with not a cloud in it. its my favorite thing in the world, and during the school year in fl, most days are like that, but when summer comes, june and july can be h**l, believe it or not. seriously i get so pissed off... whyyy is it like this ? im so depressed





  2. You are not alone with respect to feeling depressed due to prolonged periods of cloud. In fact I understand that there is an increase in suicides during cloudy days. Perhaps meteorologists will be giving warnings for cloudy days in the future?

    Depression is a tough illness to deal with. is a good site relating to depression. The author, John, is a bit contraversial, as he has adverse beliefs with respect to drugs used to suppress depression.

    Anyway, I hope that the cloud clears away for you.

  3. I live in Arizona where there is actually more sunshine than in Florida.  If we get just one or two days overcast I am down and out.  My cloudy day routine is a good book on the couch.

    Sunshine will cause your neurotransmitter serotonin to go up and this makes you feel awake and lively.  Cloudy days cause melotonin to increase and you will lose your energy and desire to go-go-go unless it is to go to sleep.

    This is supposedly "sensed" by the pineal gland which is in you brain but connected to the optic nerve.  The body's third eye so to speak.  Google some of this and you can learn more.

  4. You need a "cloudy day" routine. How about a long, luxurious bath - cuddle up warm - and watch some TV - read a book - do a crossword puzzle - put together a jigsaw puzzle - color - draw - put together a scrapbook.  Come on - I bet you can think of something to do. ;-) ♥

  5. Look up Seasonal Affective Disorder on the Web. Most people get it in the winter, in northern climates, but it's certainly possible to feel this way in southern states on cloudy days, weeks, months.

  6. Short version::

    The optic nerve receives wavelengths of UV and IR light and feeds information to the pineal gland (which is located at the crossing of the optic nerves). It is these signals which tell the brain (game on OR game off). Light should wake you up and low light signals the natural sleep cycle.

    If the pineal gland does not get sufficient input from light being received, the brain goes into a more "depressed" or sleeplike mode.

    The obvious solution is to get more sunlight. But, in cloudy climates, it is difficult. So, some people elect to remove fluorescent lighting and replace it with full-spectrum lighting to alleviate the "light starvation" and the crankiness which results from not getting enough UV and IR light waves.

  7. your like me. i get depressed when its cloudy and grey and when its sunny i'm happy i think its just because i prefer the sun to clouds cuz its like a happy thing. i love to see beautiful thing like a nice sunny flowerry garden but not a dull flowerry garden. if that made any sense at i like it when the suns out. i'm not eird and neithar are you. if we are weird then...yay! i'm weird.

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