
Im depressed =[ help me!?

by  |  earlier

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I am 16, and in a horrible mood. lately, I feel like my life isnt worth anything.

i have ugly acne, greasy skin, very few friends [im in love with both of them], im g*y, and EVERYONE is always trying to change me. My dog has to live with my big sister and I never see either of them =[ and im doing really bad in school. I feel like im worth nothing. My mom is a recovering drunk [who abused me], and I stay up all night watching TV, and I sleep all day. I smoke a pack of cigarettes per day, and I havent had my period in a long time [weeks]. Please help me. I feel like c**p. What can I do (right now) to make me feel better?




  1. u need to go see a doctor and ask him what to do u can get pills and treatment

    good luck =]

  2. see a therapist. And until u can get in, read articles on depression and how to relieve and overcome depression; A great place for articles is

  3. if u dont like something CHANGE it.....girl u gotta get ur **** together u have a bright future!!!!! take a closer look at urself ....

    1. ur acne prob. will go away in time but help it use proactive get a facial, keep ur face clean

    2. dats good dat u have a few friends its better dat way trust me.

    3. dont let any1 change u b urself 110% of the time. ppl will always try to do dat.

    4. get extra help after school, talk to ur teachers, study!!!!! .....d key is dedication!!! and is how bad u want it.

    5. is not good dat u sleep all day. use ur time wisely get a job girl!!! dont u like money, shoppin,????

    6. stop smokin dat GROOSE dat is very bad for u and it doesnt look s**y in a girl. it is disgustin.

    7. are u pregnant?

    ps:------>>> count ur blessings instead of ur crosses, why dont u go c a therapist it will help u a lot

    gOD bLESS

  4. put on a crazy song.

    and danceee and shake that ***!


    do it.

    we're the same age.

    put on some madina lake.

    and just danceeee.

  5. do things to make yourself feel better. start doing well at school, and be proud of that. go and visit your dog and sister

  6. Try some fish oil for your skin.

    Try spending less time watching tv.  Positive things can arise out of boredom.  Writing things down and trying to organize yourself is good.

    I have problems too with sleeping too much.  If I go to bed early, I just sleep more.  Cooking something really good the night before and looking forward to it the next morning can help me wake up sometimes.

    As for improving your mood:  Reading, quiet time, outdoor activities, meditation, tea.  I can tell you from years of experience that TV and computers are mood agitators.

  7. just look at the good that you can do in life

    sure life sucks now but in a short time you will feel all better

    you will find a life time partner that will help you enjoy your life

    you will get our dog back and your acne will clear up and your

    depression you will lead you to a better life..a lot of people had depression.

    study people like Marcel Proust and Darwin> they had depression and were hypochondriacss and also they did suffer from malaise.

    If you don't give up on your self I can promise you will feel better

    do better and look better

    sure its rough now as your body and mind is taking a lot of abuse but

    somedayy you will look back at your bad days and laugh

    Walt Disney suffered from Depression and he said for every laughter there has to be  a look for thlaughterer in your life and your tears are are paying your dues.

    Get with positive friends and family and hold on.  You may have a lot of lemons in your life but just add some sugar to the lemons and you will have lemon aide

    So what if you are g*y? You will find ~ every pot has a lid

    you will find your dream lover ~ someday

    just don't  give up on yourself as you are all you have going for yourself so that is going to be your start for a better tomorrow

    Good is always darkest before the dawn~!

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