
Im doing a piece of artwork and need participants to give quotes about global warming..?

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if you would like to anoymously participate give me the following:

-an opinion about global warmin

-a statistic you find interesting

-quote by someone who deals with this subject proffesionally (be sure to leave me their name and proffesion)

-your quote

-anything relative (short narritive, idea, interesting thought, ect.)

thanks again.




  1. From " I Was On the Global Warming Gravy Train" by David Evans (link to articles in sources)

    "Correlation is not causation, but in a rough sense it looked like a fit."

    You may also get a few good quotes from The Global Warming Petition Project, some more very good reading.  (again see sources).

  2. Opinion on global warming:  Real and natural, man makes no measurable contribution.

    Interesting Stat:  You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of them all of the time.

    Quote by someone who deals with this subject professionally:  "I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change." - Vice President Al Gore,  5/22/98

    My quote:  "Who thought we'd revisit human sacrifice as a means of weather control in the 21st Century?" - me, Michael E

    Relative:  Watch those Solar Cycles (sunspots)...

  3. Opinion: Biggest scam since the 900 foot Jesus told Oral Roberts to get 8 mil.

    Statistic: Polar bear population up 500% since 1970s.

    Quote: "a fictional, manufactured crisis, and a total scam." John Coleman, Meteorologist and founder of the Weather Channel.

    My Quote: Dana is a brainwashed monkey who believes everything Al Gore tells him

    Relative: Global Warming has been proven wrong time and time again, yet people still use fake statistics (CO2 harming the environment, when it feed plants and helps spred more of them), to try and force people to watch NBC, and use their "green" products, to force us to live in caves. Complete BS.

    Another John Coleman Quote.

    Dear fellow Earth lovers,

    Thank you for your dedication to protecting our environment. Clean air and clean water are essential to preserving life on planet Earth. Protecting all species and natural lands and forests are admirable priorities. Recycling and a green lifestyle are wonderful. Making the environment the most important thing in your life is a good thing, not a problem. I support you.  But we do have a problem.

    You have vigorously embraced the Man-Made Global Warming predictions of the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Al Gore and you are using Mr Gore's warnings of environmental calamity to campaign for elimination of fossil fuels. Your environmentally conscious friends in politics and in the media have united with you and we are experiencing a barrage of frightening news reports, documentaries, TV feature reports, movies, books, concerts and protest events to build support for your goals. With your support the war against fossil fuels has become a massive scare campaign that is even being taught as an undebatable truth in our schools leaving children with nightmares.

    Here's what's wrong with that: the science is wrong. There is no significant man-made Global Warming underway and the science on which the computer projections of weather chaos are based is badly flawed.

    I know many scientists are part of your movement and they have tried hard to give your uncontrollable climate change panic a scientific basis. Al Gore has a professional staff and millions of dollars and his status as former Vice President to support his campaign to sell the "big scare". And thousands of well-intentioned politicians and the media of the world have supported your movement. It must seem to you that there can be no doubt: fossil fuels are destroying the environment and will lead to uncontrollable global warming unless we act now. With all that powerful support for your anti-fossil fuel movement, and with the worthy goal of saving the planet from the disastrous consequences of runaway Global Warming, how can you fail?

    Here's how: The science behind your global warming scare is bad. There is has been no significant anthropogenic global warming in the past, none seems to be happening now and none is likely in the future.  Dissenting scientists have produced convincing evidence that the cornerstone of your scientific argument, increased atmospheric carbon dioxide forcing a rapid, irreversible rise in temperature, is invalid. All of the various "signs of global warming" you have so widely publicized have been proven unrelated, considerably overstated or in many cases, just plain wrong. There are normal variations in climate that result mostly from the cycles of the Sun. For instance, as the Sun cycle has changed from active to passive in the last decade, the warm up of the 1990's has reversed itself. Arctic ice melting and polar bears dying, shrinkage of glaciers and the rise of ocean levels, increased intensity and number of hurricanes and intensified droughts have all been touted as signs of global warming. They are not. They are part of this natural variation in climate. The intensified hurricane claim never happened.  Katrina was an isolated, random event. The droughts are part of the natural cycle and are reversing at this time. Glaciers are stabilizing. The Arctic ice cap is largely back to normal.

    Here is what I am suggesting you do. Campaign for your environmental goals on the basis of their own merit. Let go of the global warming frenzy before it leaves you discredited and embarrassed. Stop screaming, "The sky is falling." It is not.

    Do your good work. Devote your lives to our environment. In many ways you will succeed. We are all grateful for your love of the planet. But, don't use scare tactics.

    Most of all I urge you not to become extremists.  And, may I encourage you to live your lives in a loving way, love your fellow human beings and our wonderful advanced standard of living and way of life as much as you love the Earth.

    My very best regards,

    John Coleman

    P.s. - If you will read my briefs on the science that debunks the global warming frenzy and follow the links there, you will begin to realize the folly of Global Warming.

    Available at http://www.k**

  4. How about the polar bears aren't going extinct, their numbers are and have been for years increasing.

    Mars is experiencing the same global warming effects that the Earth is, but there are no SUV's cruising around on Mars.

    The ice levels on the poles is the same today that it has been for years, the ice is not melting away.

    One forest fire creates more greenhouse gas than every vehicle in the United States does in one year.

    The list goes on and on, but, I'm not going to write a book on here.

    Let the thumbs down begin.

  5. Notice that clear nights cool off rapidly, cloudy or humid nights do not. think of nights in the desert. This is because water vapor accounts for 95% of the greenhouse effect.

          skepticism is the basis of science, and also of protecting ourselves from fanatic scaremongers

  6. My opinion - I'm exhausted (excuse the pun) with Global Warming.

    The Arctic Ice Pack is as large as it was 20 years ago.

    "The claims that there are no peer-reviewed scientific articles that oppose a man-made source of global warming are, quite simply, wrong."  Roy Spencer, NASA scientist.

      My quote "Al Gore is lying to you, he knows he is lying.  He will not debate ANYONE on the subject while he flies around the world in a private jet, rides in limousines and his house uses 10 times the electricity of the average household.  Isn't that a huge contradiction?"

      You should paint a picture of the truth (represented by the American flag) being beaten down by Al Gore and Scientists that want to get government grant money so they can fly in private jets and sip champagne while the people of America have to walk and ride bikes to work because they can't buy gas.

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