
Im doing a project at school about electric cars can anyone tell me how electric cars help the environment?

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i need a lot of notes and websites that i could find information about electric cars help the environment




  1. If an electric car is using energy produced from a coal fired plant, it is worse than a car powered by petroleum. One has just transferred the emissions to the power plant.

    If, when I use electricity to power my car, and because I do someone else must use coal fired generation, same difference.

    If the electricity used all over the  country is all coming from nuclear, hydro, wind, solar power, then generation is not adding  CO2 to the atmosphere. (there will be some in building the facilities).

    Thus, the first step is to make sure all of our electrical generation is green, not based on fossil fuels. Then we use excess electrical power to power electric vehicles.

  2. Benefits and shortcomings of Battery operated Electric Motor Vehicles:

    (A) Benefits of Battery operated electric motor vehicles are:

    (i) Electric vehicles run on electricity generated from batteries do not emit air pollutants.  Therefore, these vehicles are termed ‘zero emission vehicles’.

    (ii) Within city, since most people drive vehicles less than 40 miles per day, electric cars are certainly practical for moving within a city.

    (iii) Fossil fuel use in internal combustion engines give rise to various environmental problems and these problems may be solved by using battery operated electric vehicles.

    (iv) Electric cars are more efficient than petrol / diesel driven vehicles in terms of performance per unit amount of money and yield better air quality.

    (v) Decreased fuel costs for battery operated electric vehicles make them more cost-effective in the long run.

    (vi) An electric car of today would only get better over time; as in near future the performance, cost and efficiency of batteries available would be much better.

    (vii) In most of the case, driving an electric car is more smother and people feel very similar or better to driving a gasoline car.

    (viii) Without the internal combustion engine, electric cars have the potential to be quieter and noise pollution is much less.

    (ix) As the number of electric vehicle increases, number of recharging station will be more and drivers will be able to recharge their cars by plugging them in overnight to a recharging outlet or at home.

    (x) Lot of research is going on for improving the battery size, battery life and recharging time for batteries; and in near future rapid developments could be seen in this respect.

    (B)  There are few shortcomings of electrically driven motor vehicles, which are mostly of battery related:

    (i) While electric cars themselves are clean, but generating electricity to charge vehicle batteries produces air pollution and solid waste.

    (ii) Potential health or safety risks associated with widespread use of electric vehicles have not yet been fully evaluated.

    (iii) Many vehicle batteries contain toxic elements or produce toxic emissions which could make battery production, transport, use, and disposal a significant solid waste risks. We should try to use environment-friendly batteries.  

    (iv) People must consider how safely to dispose of or recycle these batteries. As current batteries are large and heavy, battery occupies large space leaving less room for cargo and passengers.

    For further information please refer


  3. as you have noticed, there are some out there who would have you believe electric vehicles are bad for the enviroment. the electrics would be a great choice. even if the power plant is coal fired, these power plants are designed for optimum efficiency. the internal combustion engine is not very efficient when compared to the electric motor.check out the sites provided.

  4. well they are lighter so when they hit somethign it has a greater chance of living

  5. I'm too lazy to look up websites, but for one, the smog that comes out of a gas car can up the rate of global warming. Killing off a lot of wildlife, and making even winter feel like summer.

  6. It is not that simple. Batteries need to be charged. That power has to come from somewhere. If you are going to charge them at home then the power plant is generating the power for your car. Disposing of batteries can be toxic. Some materiels take a bigger toll on the environment to manufacture than they would "help" the environment by using them. So it is a deep question...

  7. They're not completely good for environmnet. because the batteries use lead. which needs to be minned, which can harm the environment. You could also use that *** additional info. more marks..

  8. Reduces the carbon emissions from fuel run vehicles.

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