
Im doing a questionaire and needs some questions, to ask about the developement of education???

by  |  earlier

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i am asking some one in there 80's and someone in there 40's about there eduction and what they thought about it, and if they think it has developed alot over time, and if any subjects which hav been lost , should come back etc...

so if u have any question ideas i could ask,

i would be very thankful,





  1. How well do you think school prepared you for life?

    What happened when a student misbehaved in school?

    How many months a year/ hours a day did you attned school?

  2. 1.  What was the most important class that you took while in school?  Why?  Do you know if they still teach that course in schools?

    2.  Who was your favorite teacher in school - what subject did they teach?

    3.  Were you prepared for 'life' when you left school?  Do you think that kids today are more / less prepared for the 'real' world when they leave school?

    4.  How far did you go in school?  High School?  On-the-job training?  College?  Something else?

    good luck to you. :)

  3. Well I don't think they teach Latin in school anymore like they used to.

    Maybe ask them what the basics where when they went to school? How it helped prepare them for life?

    Ask what they think of the current education system? How would they improve it or change it?

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