
Im doing a report on environmental stuff, can anyone give me facts?

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Im doing a report on 4 topics. Global warming, the importance of plants, recycling, and water and energy conservation. If anyone can give me some facts on these topics so i can be sure I know everything. Or some things related to them.




  1. CO2 is the primary fertilizer of our ecosystem.  Today's plants are starved for it, since it was depleted by the last Ice Age.  Greenhouse growers know this - so they use artificial CO2 generators to help their plants grow.


    CO2 does  not cause warming.  We know this because during the 1960s and 1970s, as industry pumped more and more CO2 into the atmosphere, the Earth went into a cooling spell that sparked fears of a new ice age.  If more CO2 causes warming, this would not have been possible.

    We now know that the Sun's changing energy output, as well as eccentricities in Earth's orbit, are the direct causes of warming and cooling cycles.  An occasional volcanic eruption adds its influence.

    We know that there are increasing volcanic hotspots under Greenland melting the ice.  Neat stuff!

  2. I also had to do a report on global warming and what i did was got a book called "the green book" and went to that books website to find alot of my information. Try it hopefully it works for you

  3. While I can write a huge paragraph that you probably don't wanna read here:

    -in 2020 we will have a water crisis worse than the oil crisis

    -rising water levels will displace millions causing refugees sound familiar?

    -Certain food sources will be depleted

    for a lot more helpful info go to

    or just type it into google.

  4. I have a few websites that might be able to offer some information.  One would be the Greenpeace website, the other would be Al Gore's site (of course for global warming information) You may even want to watch his documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" and the third would be an organization called American Forests.

    Hope these help.  Sorry I didn't have the actual web addresses.  Good luck.

  5. Experiments in California and Sweden have shown that plants (especially trees) grown in a high CO2 environment come out with stunted growth, malformed leaves, and have shortened lifespans (2-3 years in the case of trees).  CO2 in the air that we make when we burn coal, gas, or oil  is making the earth get hotter.  Everything makes some when it burns, but we burn more of these "fossil fuels" than anything else.  It could get too hot for people to live.

    Plants convert the carbon that's in the air as carbon dioxide to the organic (carbon based) material they are made of .  They release oxygen when they do this.  Without plants, animal life would have never been possible.  It took half of the time life has existed on earth for the first plants to come into being.  If the plants ever died, the animals would too, including humans.

    Recycling is important in many ways.  Aluminum is made by a process using electricity.  It takes much less electricity to make things out of old aluminum cans, etc, than it would to mine new aluminum ore and make it from scratch.  It also decreases the amount of waste in the environment.  Plastics are now being recognized as a huge problem.  If you reuse something made of plastic even just once it saves a lot.  Plastics are made from petroleum, so it helps keep the price down and cuts down pollution.  Plastic bags get in the ocean and break down into tiny particles which the fish eat with their food.  These build up and poison the fish.

    The world is running out of water.  Over half of the people don't have enough.  Water sources are drying up.  The glaciers on the mountaintops are melting.  They supply most of the water for most countries.  When they are all melted a lot of people will have no water.  Most fresh water that you use never gets used again.  It makes it's way to the sea, then when it gets to the equator a little bit of it evaporates, then a little bit of it may fall as snow way up North.  None of it gets back to you.  Most of the fresh water that we know about is too far underground where we can't get it.  Most of what we have gets used only one time.  Any time you can save or reuse water you are helping the whole planet.

    Most of the energy we have comes from power plants that aren't very "friendly" to the earth.  In the USA, most of them are coal burning.  That can cause a lot of pollution and more global warming.  Some places use nuclear.  It is better in some ways, but lots of fossil fuel is used to mine nuclear fuel, and lots of heat is given off when it's being used.  The wastes are very dangerous if they are not disposed of properly.  In America none of the States want nuclear waste.

    I hope this little bit of information helps you.  These are wonderful questions!

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