
Im doing an english essay about integrity and i need some adult imput...?

by  |  earlier

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i was just wondering what kind of issues adults face in daily life that they need integrity for. details would help! i promise your not doing my homework for me but I'm only 16 so i need some adult opinions. Thanks!




  1. we have to avoid the temptation of driving away from the gas pumps without paying.  

  2. Integrity really has a lot to do with the need to do the right thing even when no one is watching.  So imagine the life of an adult.

    Not taking credit at work for someone else's contribution.

    Spending enough time with your child even when you're tired. Helping him or her be in sports or activities even though they bore you stiff.

    Contributing a fair amount to charity.

    Not cheating on your taxes.

    Not hiding behind the anonymity of Yahoo Answers in order to make childlike comments (this one gets broken a lot, I think!)

    Deciding how much of the truth to speak to your children, and when.

    Teaching your children by example.

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