
Im dressing my pony up as a ballerina for a costume class Ideas???

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A little girl at my barn begged me to help her with a costume because she wants to do a costume class. We are dressing up the pony as ballerinas and dressing up ourselves as dancers from around the world. Any ideas on outfits for us or for the pony?




  1. I have dressed my horse as a dragon, and I am the knight. I have also done Hermione and 'Harry Trotter'. You can also do the horse as Superman, then dress up like a buisnessperson complete with a coat, tie, and hat and put a cardboard box over you with a hole cut in it as a telephone booth. Then Superman will be lifting up the Telephone Booth!

  2. you could sew a colorful ruffle on the back of a cheap saddle pad ( rip it off of an old/cheap tutu ) like right on the edge of the end of the saddle pad so it lookslike a tutu is sticking up from behind the saddle ^^ and put pretty polo raps on there legs as "ballerina shoes" and like sparkly ruffle pony tails holders in there tails *imagines the cuteness* lol

    I hope that gave you some udea xD

  3. If they are riding the horse - which it didn't sound like it.... you could use the cheap tutu's on much of a saddle - or saddle pads - breast collar.. bridle etc.

    Need to include some fancy long decorative things from her tail - in silver and pink!? Something that will flow when she walks - like tinsel ?? could be a mess!?

    Good luck - when its done send out a photo!

  4. So cute! Me and a bunch of friends are dressing up a Miniature as a crayon box and were all crayons! we almost did the ballerina but the Mini isnt the nicest and dont make the tutu too flashy... my friend did that to her horse and she spooked

  5. Silver/Pink Twinkle Toes

    Silver/Pink Twinkle Glitter

    This stuff is not that expensive and kids absolutly love it. I found that the silver stands out the best on non-white/grey horses. As for the actual outfit, I have no idea.

  6. I think dressing her up like a belly dancer would be way cool. It would be easy to find scarves and stuff for her.

  7. indian dancers have rly cool outfits so do african ones and for the horse buy a big tutu (i wouldn't recomend putting a leotard or tights on it)

  8. Aww thats so cute. haha i always wanted a horse but im allergic to almost every animal with fur so i can never have one :(       Dress the horse up as a cowboy haha and you guys could be cowgirls hahaha yeah i know thats really corny haha. Dress the horse up as a polor bear and you guys could dress up as eskamos (i think i spelt that wrong) Or hmmmm dress it up as a robber and you guys could be cops haha wow im really terrible with ideas sry hahaha. hope i helped a little. Good luck.

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