
Im driving from cleveland ohio to clarksville tennesse in a 2005 buick century how much should i expect to pay

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how much should i expect to pay for gas.




  1. It depends on how good your car is on gas. If you know how many MPG your car gets, take the total distance of the trip, the average price of gas (probably around 2.90 per gal), and do the math. You should always estimate high, so you'll be sure to budget enough money. Remember, the faster you drive, kills your fuel mileage.

  2. Try using this web site:

    When it gives you the driving directions it also gives you the cost of amount of time on the road, cost of tolls, and cost of gas (depending on vehicle).

  3. Figure out how many miles per gallon your car gets on the highway, then figure out how many miles from cleveland to clarksville and you'll have your answer.

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