
Im drunk at <span title="work?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">work?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by Guest33078  |  earlier

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Okay what should i do. I went out for lunch with clients at 12>00, just got back and it is now 400. Very drunk, wahat do you suggest i do to pass this time....or even cnvince otherss im sober?




  1. Trust me, they can tell.

    And if they haven&#039;t said anything yet, that means they don&#039;t particulary care. As long as you remain quiet, and seemingly doing your work.


  2. Don&#039;t get shifty. Just chill.  

  3. Considering that I&#039;m answering this question four hours after you asked it, you&#039;re probably fired by now. But I will tell you what you SHOULD have done.

    Instead of trying to act normal you should have said you had suddenly became sick and had to go home. Which of course was the truth. And if the boss would have asked you why you were sick, you could have said that someone slipped Vodka into your glass of water.

  4. from personal experience eat bread be quiet keep to yourself and use mints or gum

  5. try eating some carbs like pasta...bread and drink plenty of water. both of these wont actually sober you up - only time will but theyll help to fill up your stomach so the alcohols affect may not be so strong...

    try to have some self control when youre at work...go slow make sure you dont say or do anything youll regret!

    be calm

    you could also call in sick or say you have a family emergency to avoid the whole situation!!

  6. don&#039;t do what i did at work drunk just stay calm and don&#039;t do anything or say anything stupid. Get mints chew gum that helps take the smell of alchol from ur breath.

  7. First of all relaxed! If possible take a bath to chill yourself. Then try coffee as a stimulant but please be careful if you feel something not normal please go to the hospital immediately. Or better just go rest don&#039;t force yourself.

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