
Im expecting a fone interview for tfl as a train operator. does anybody know any of the questions. many thanks

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Im expecting a fone interview for tfl as a train operator. does anybody know any of the questions. many thanks




  1. what do you mean by train operator (engineer, dispatcher , conductor) people who actually work on the trains work allot of different hours and if you are on the road you could be away for home quite a bit. safety is a big dill with any of the job the public is aways a concern. railcar carry a lot of different commodities and a lot are very dangerous.In a lot of cases there is only one track on the road or main line. you don't want to run into on head on. The railroads are moving longer trains,switching them cost a lot of money, train positioning of car save switching. you don't put hazardous on the front of the train, certain type of hazardous can not be next to each other.

  2. They will ask you about at time where you have done something, that was out of your way. Like if somebody asked for directions and you instead of verbally telling then you took them to the place.

    Then they will also ask about a time were you have had urgent work, and something else has cropped up that was just as urgent how you delt with it.

    They aske about what sort of customer service work you have done.

    In the next couple of days they will send you a list of questions they mak ask....I believe that they are classed as compitencie based questions.

    I hope that my answer helps.


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