
Im failing high school badly, how can i be sucessful?

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i try hard, honestly, but its like i cant bring myself to do the homework.

sometimes i do it but like, never the stuff out of books.

it seems too hard..even though its not.

i have adhd and add but i was doing bad even when i was taking meds for it..

i dunno what to do, i dont want the whole speech on how important education is, ive heard it.

i just need advice on what to do..




  1. Proper techniques for studying may be of some help.

    Here are  some suggestions.

    1. Have all of your materials ready and in the place that you are going to study.

    3. Study when its quiet. No music, no TV, No headphones, no nothing.

    4. Do your most difficult subject fist or else you may never get to it.

    5. Keep a calendar so that you know when a project is due or a test is going to be given.

    6. Vocabulary is very important. Words have different meanings. You need to know the meaning for the subject that you are taking.

    7. Study the relationship of things. How is the topic that you studied related to the unit that you are studying?

    8. Your textbook has hints for you. Many books have important words or phrases in darkened or colored type, make sure that you know them thoroughly.

    The sites below are excellent and will give you many other ideas about studying.

  2. Do you have a tutor, someone who can make sure you're staying on track with your homework? If not ask your parents or speak with a guidance counsellor to find out how you can obtain one.

    if you (or your parents) don't want to dish out the cash for a tutor, ask yourself why you are not doing the homework. Is it because it's boring? Is it because you don't pay attention in class and then are confused by the work at home?

    If the work is boring, ask your teacher if he/she can find more stimulating exercises for you to do. If you're having trouble concentrating, speak up. A teacher usually won't mind if you tell them, they'd rather hear about your concentration problem than give you a failing grade. the teacher might have tricks for you on how to keep your mind from straying or how to improve your memory.

    Have you been tested for Dyslexia? If you're having a hard time reading and you s***w up math answers (inverting numbers ie: 24 instead of 42) then this could be a part of the problem. It's hard to diagnose and some students are never properly diagnosed.

    good luck, and remember, you only have a few years of high school left, so hang in there! College should be more interesting for you, so you have plenty to look forward to.

  3. Maybe you need a tutor to help you.  

  4. Try to have a written, organized weekly schedule of when you are going to do homework versus other activities.  Get with your new teachers right off the bat and explain your concerns and ask if any of them are available for after school tutoring during the week.  Will you have any friends in any of your classes?  Maybe you can become study partners with them.  If necessary, make new friends for this.  See what your academic counselor can do to help.  

  5. get organized and prioritize. when someone says "hey let's go to the mall" just say no. get your homework out of the way first. it might be hard to just sit and do it till it's done, but it will get easier once you get in the habit. also if you can't focus well take frequent 1-2 min. breaks while doing homework or studying. if your struggles are more on the academic side, get tutored by a classmate, teacher, or person who knows what their doing. try to avoid doing homework with your friends because they will only distract you. and find a quiet place, like a library, to study. if you remove distractions it will help you focus. prioritizing should be your best friend; make sure to get what you need to do done and don't pt it off!

    last of all good luck, your education is important and the work you put into it now will pay off in the long run.      

  6. I understand where your coming from.Because I have add as well.  But that doesn't bother me. Can I ask you something. Do you think that bothers you when it comes time doing work and homework?I had the same problem but a lil different. Okay my advice on this is real simple. First set a goal for yourself. Be sure to stick with it. Look I know homework can be hard and frustrating sometimes and you want to take the easy way out. Well NOWAY. Look teachers are there to help you as well as your parents. They would hate to see you fail. So when your confused on something just ask one of your teachers or parents. I know with in a few days you will ready in no time.

  7. try going to a tutor or even asking the teachers for help. they will help students not fall behind and succeed.  

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