
Im feeling really tired lately... is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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I've been feeling extremely tired lately. I sleep for 12-13 hours and everyday i STILL feel exhausted. I do a light cardio but thats it, im slightly shaking too. im on a diet, but its a simple diet. All I do is cut my meals in half. Im only 14. am i overreacting? Is this really nothing or what can i do to stop it?




  1. It could me mono. If you are concerned, you should talk to your parents/guardian and go to the doctor just to see his or her opinion. =]

  2. to answer ur answer ,yes and no.

    its normal for u to b tired.

    dont cut ur meals,u need ur proteins,vitamins,carbs,insulin,etc.

    ur only 14 and if u think ur fat,no ur not,its almost the age where u get baby fat nd it will disapear in a year or so,everyone gets it.

    dont eat too much caffeine foods.ive been feeling that way too,im 13,and sinse school ended,i hav nothing to do,sports,etc.

    once school begins again i guarentee u ull feel bttr.

  3. it could be something simple like lack of vitamins, but it could be more serious, try eating more or taking a multivitamin, if that dosent work, I suggest seeing a dr...

  4. Not eating as much as you are used to usually makes you very tired. Especially if you are cutting your meals in half. Make sure you are getting around 1200 calories minimum, especially if you are working out. I would not worry too much about it though, it sounds like low blood sugar. If it continues for more than a month you might want to go see your doctor so he can take your blood sugar to rule out other things and to prescribe a diet for you that will regulate your blood sugar. If this is what's causing it, you might want to add high fiber foods and high protein snacks which might help now.

  5. Too much sleep is almost as bad as not enough sleep and makes you feel very weak and very tired.  12-13 hours is far too much.  If you cut that back to 10 hours it might help.  Even 10 hours is too much for most people.

    Under eating makes you feel very weak and very tired and also weakens your immune system.  Feeling a bit shaky or wobbly on the legs can also be caused by under eating.

    Under eating can also stunt your growth and at 14 you will probably grow for one more year as girls usually stop growing at 15.

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