
Im freaked out by this tell me somthing!?

by  |  earlier

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It seems like whenever im up late and playing xbox live whenever i check the time its always 1:23 and i always see 123 this is creepy does it mean anything?




  1. well acctually i have the same problem as does a friend of mine... i see the number 144 everywhere house numbers in the time like everywhere... i also seem to look at the clock on triple numbers like 2:22 i personally believe that is has more to do with your denial of your own magickal abilities and the universe is throwing these signs to you... the time is a very magickal thing and governs most of our lives... i would recomend that you look up the numeralogical meaning of the number 6 which is what your number works out to... other than that im not sure... good luck

  2. You need more sleep.

  3. I think someone or something is playing with your head.

  4. Wow, your internal clock is really on cue. Probably, after a while, you started expecting to see 1:23, so you became subconsciously wired to look up at the clock whenever it turned 1:23. The human brain is pretty cool like that.

  5. Why are you freaking out about the time? Its just a coincidence, or if you choose to believe the law of attraction.

  6. I think it's just a coincidence, I have the same thing with 8:47. I think there are just numbers that stick in our head for some reason, and subconsciously we think that is the time we always see. Despite the fact that we see other times, that just don't register like these numbers. Hope this helps.

  7. Here is an interesting thought... if you multiply 1*2*3*123 (738) and it is currently 8:23pm, 823-738, 85, 8*5, 40, I am currently 37, 40-37=3, and I was born 2/1 .... (3...2...1)

    hmmm.... now I am freeked out!

  8. Maybe you're clock is broken????

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