
Im freaking confused! Help!?

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I were thinking about putting my daughter up for adoption cause I'm 15 and it'll be living h**l to be honest, I got raped [thats how I got pregnant] and the thought of living with proof of the rape is gonna be too hard. I asked my mum about adoption and she were like "Oh you'll regret it, 9 months of h**l for nothing" My mum got raped [and pregnant with me] at 17, had me at 18. My mum is basically saying don't put my baby up for adoption. I kinda wanna keep my daughter, my parents said they're gonna be fully suportive over what I decide to do. What should I do?




  1. i say u should keep ur baby. if ur parents are gonna be there to support u then u always have them to watch ur baby for awhile if u needa do somethin. but i mean important things. like school or after school sports. they can also help when its still a year or two old. and ur mom is right, the nine months can be brutal, by what my mom has said. my mom also says its all worth it in the end.

  2. your baby would be better off with adoptive parents , they dont let just any loser adopt a baby , but millions of losers have them naturally

  3. you should keep ur daughter with you no matter what

  4. That is a tough decision to make. If you feel that your child would be better off up for adoption, then by all means, do it. You need to think long and hard about it, and get some sort of counseling prior to making a final decision though. Good luck!

  5. This is a personal choice that can only be made by you.  Not anyone on here or your mother knows how you feel.  Pray on it.  God will lead you to the right decision.

  6. It depends. If you keep her will you be able to go back to school and provide for her? Do you think you can live with the reminder of what happened to you? Will you feel guilty if you put her up for adoption?

    These are the questions you should ask yourself. I think you should keep the baby. But its your choice.

  7. im so sorry you got raped! I think this is a decision for you to make alone,but heres what i think i would do:you probably will regret it afterwards and if you do it it will haunt you for the rest of your life,its not the babies fault .It sounds like your parents are going to be very supportive they will help you out in anything you need and you dont really want to put it up for adoption right?Then dont!

  8. You can't expect to be able to get a great education (graduate from HS and go onto college) and raise a baby healthily at the same time. Your child would be better off with parents that can really care for him or her. I know it would suck to have to let your baby go after all the hard work, but if you loved it enough, you'd want it to be healthy and happy.

  9. I would keep her, because it'll be a constant reminder that something GOOD came out of it all. Plus she's right - 9 months of h**l for nothing. Now, most people will say adoption, but if they PROMISE to be FULLY supportive - then I'd say keep your daughter.

    Please don't get an abortion - that's horrible and the person who said that is heartless.

  10. Wow the odds of you and your mom getting raped are really shocking. I say don't put the baby up for adoption, even though its hard, adoption can really s***w a kid up. Keep you little girl, you'll regret leaving her behind and i doubt she'll ever forgive you for that. It could be just like Gilmore Girls lol

  11. If your parents are supportive, you should.  It's your flesh and blood too, please don't give it up if you can afford it./

  12. the baby would be better off if someone older and more prepared to be a parent were to raise it, and you could s***w your life up as well by keeping him/her

  13. Only you can answer this. How much longer do you have until you give birth? After going thru the pregnancy, you may decide you do not want to give her up.

    Sit down and think it thru and write out a list of reasons to keep her and reasons to place her for adoption...which one is longer? Which makes more sense to you?

    I answered your other question about how she will change your life....all of that is true.

    Have you had counseling to help deal with the rape? If not that is a good idea no matter what you decide to do about the baby. Also a counselor could help you in your decision making. Since your counselor would have a better insite into your life situations and emotions they would be better to help with such an important decision.

    btw a friend of mine was raped and got pregnant and kept her daughter and has never regretted it. So it is possible to love the child no matter how she was concieved.

    Good luck, Hon.

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