
Im from asia.. I don't know how to respond when ppl...?

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Im new to america from china. back there we don't reli tease each other like call our friends " ahh u're stupid" or say things like "haha that sucks". Wat do I say wen my friends jokingly tease me? I know its all in good fun but I don't know how to respond. Rite not I say "no......"




  1. You'll get used to the rude behaviour that prevails in America after awhile.  Probably the biggest culture shock you'll see is the lack of respect for authority figures, like parents, teachers, and older people and traditions.  And, lack of respect for really anyone or anything.  Americans scoff and jeer at anything that has to do with contradicting any tendency to indulge impulses, no matter how bizarre the impulse is.  

    There are no lines of distinction in America:  Everyone is a kid, everyone is an adult, everyone else is always wrong.  And, you'll be shocked at how quickly Americans will get violent or bellicose over trivial things.  You can get stabbed to death here for bumping somebody at the bus stop.  

    But, in the back of your mind, you'll always be fully aware of why people around the world think Americans are obnoxious barbarians.  On the other hand, they can be so nice too.  Really, I would consider going back to China.  There really isn't anything great about America anymore, except the amount of self-absorbtion, self-delusion and credit card debt.

  2. Just  tell them that where you come from, sarcasm is not used as much and you are not comfortable with that kind of joking, If you they are true friends, they will understand and try to be more considerate of your feelings. Just explain to them, like you did here on yahoo, that you do not know how to respond because that kind of joking confuses you and seems mean. They will change their ways if your friendship is worth anything to them. If they don't consider your feelings, then find some new friends. People like the ones you have described are not how "ALL" Americans act.

  3. I  have  lived  here  in  America  all  my  life  and  have  noticed  a  lot  of  changes.  I  can  remember  when  someone  like  the  President  of  the  U.S.  was  highly  respected  and  David  Letterman  would  have  been  booed  off  the  stage  by  the  entire  audience  for  the  disrespect  he  shows  our  President.  Then  they  would  have  walked  out  on  him  and  he  would  have  been  fired  by  the  TV network.  But  now  the  audience  applauds.  Tsk...  Not  me.  I  wouldn't  pay  1  penny  to  go  see  him;  you  couldn't  pay  me  enough  money  to  be  a  part  of  his  audience.

  4. if they are like making fun of you a little just say "Whatever man" me and my friend make fun of each other allot

  5. Don't let it bother you.  You will learn how to cope with the jokes.  Getting assimilated onto a new culture is always difficult.  Hang in there.

  6. Typically, Americans make a similar remark.  If someone jokingly said, "You're stupid" to me, I'd say something like, "It takes one to know one" or "I must be since you're the expert in stupid" or "Guess so if I hang around with you."  Don't be offended if it's said good naturedly.  We're not being disrespectful when we talk to our friends this way.  We're just a little different.  I'm sure you'll get to used to us after a while.  We'd have some adjustments to make if we moved to China too.  I'll bet that most of us would have a lot of people get mad at us since we behave so differently.

  7. Just laugh.

    Or say 'I know, right?"

    That's pretty much a typical response for anything.

  8. When your friends jokingly tease you, you need to laugh with them because they are joking. Friendly joking is fun. Just laugh with them and say "Ohh you guys are so silly". You can laugh with them too.

  9. here, people just mess around with each other. i guess it's a more laid back environment in the u.s. i had family in china and then they moved here. they too didn't quite understand the culture but once they adapted, they were fine. you just need time to adjust into a different culture. when you don't know how to respond, just laugh and understand that it's just pure fun. However, if you feel that the statement is offensive, just explain yourself and hopefully they'll understand.

  10. oh dont worry, if they are friends then its most likely just playfull teasing, but you need to look out for if someone says it with different intentions, there are many ways that english is open to interpretation

    you will catch on

  11. Just tease them back, or use sarcasm or something.

    Like if the say " ahh you're stupid" you just say back "oh? well look  who's talkin!"

    You'll catch on eventually.

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