
Im gettin braces, and i got some questions..

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Ok first off im 14, a guy

and i dont have bad teeth just a over bite and 4 crooked misplaced teeth.

I was wondering...

A)How long does the operation take

B)The pain from a scale from 1-10

C)What can i eat/drink

D)If there would be a different method of brushing

E)Clear/Colored/Regular brackets?(does it help if i say my a filipino, tannish brown skin, black hair, and brown eyes)

F)How often are they tightened

G) May be weird...but what if ur brackets get pulled off, how much would it cost. (my friend pulled 3 of his, i just want 2 kno how much that costs)





  1. A)30-45 min

    B)Doesn't hurt that much day of getting them, just the few days after tightening. Mine is usually an 8.

    C)Eat soft foods for a few days after each tightening and when your teeth don't hurt anymore eat whatever you want, just eat sugary foods in moderation. I can usually eat sticky stuff without it getting stuck to my braces.

    D)Brushing can stay normal. Brush after every meal and floss once a day.

    E)If you get colors get dark ones. They don't stand out as much

    F)Usually about every 6 weeks.

    G)My bracket got really lose and they had to replace it but I don't think I got charged.


  2. I had braces.

    A) it is not an operation if they are just giving you braces. If they have to break something. Then it might be. Maybe an hour.

    B) The pain, 9. For me. I wanted to cry. I took pain med. Then you will get sores in your cheeks from your braces. Only for a while though.

    C)You can't drink alot of things that are dark. Like coffee, tea, dark pop ex. coke, dr. pepper. I never had what are called 'scars' but I know someone who did from drinking pop and they look horrible. She even whitened her teeth and they still look bad.

    D) you have to make sure that you get in between your metal things. They will tell you how to do it in the office.

    E)Don't get clear rubber bands. They stain for a short time. If you eat strawberriess they turn pink. Ect. Metal braces are the shortest and they will fix your overbite.

    F) they are tightened every 6 weeks. They hurt for the first couple of times, after that you look forward to going. At least I did.

    G) I don't know how much they cost to put them back on. What I did was I would take off my rubberbands and then take off the metal wire and then put my rubber bands back on so it looked like I was still wearing braces. They hurt pretty bad. But before I went back to the Dr. I would put the wire back on. They never knew the difference!

  3. a- its not an operation; just a procedure. it takes about 2 hours for both top and bottom

    b- the pain immeadiately after, i had 1 but maybe half an hour later it was about a 6. it wasn't really pain. my whole mouth was just sore.

    c- you can't eat anything stick/gooey, hard,crunchy or chewy. when you first get braces it might be hard to eat so i reccomend jello, pudding,soup,bread * anything soft that doesn't require a lot of chewing. I also suggenst not drinking soda or anything sugary unless you rinse your mouth after.

    d- just brush EVERWHERE. try to brush as efficiently as possible

    e-deffinately go with the regular metal brackets. clear brackets sometimes get a "dirty" yellowish color to them.

    f- my braces were only tightened once after i got them but it is different for everyone. you may have to get them tightened every month/whenever your next appt is. *this is on a case by case basis*

    g- if a bracket breaks, you get them replaced free of charge because it is part of the overall treatment.

    i hope i helped

  4. A)1-2 years

    B)not really pain more of a numbness

    C) 1st few days nodles and spaghetti, then after 2-3 days you should be able to eat most foods


    E)doesn't matter

    F) every 6 weeks

    G) don't know

  5. A) About an hour

    B) While they put them on;1---- A few hours after; 7.

    C) You might want to eat softer foods because your teeth with be moving. You can basically drink whatever you want.

    D) You are suppose to brush like in circles, and you have to make sure you do a good job otherwise when you get them off you'll have stains.

    E) You can pick whatever color you want. Just stay away from yellow....

    F) Every month, and then it hurts for a couple of days all over again.

    G) Well, it probably depends on your dentist. I broke one of my brackets and I don't think it costed anything. They just fixed it when I got them tightened.

    Don't worry. It's not that bad. And they're definitly worth everything you go through when you get them off =)

  6. A) 45-ish minutes

    B) 1, doesn't hurt at all getting them on. its the next day that hurts!

    C) the next day, stick to soft foods like soup, mashed potatoes, applesauce stuff like that. after about 5-7 days your teeth will feel a TON better trust me on this. after that eat whatever you want within reason (but i have braces n still chew gum, eat popcorn, hard candy, lol)

    D) yeahh i use this little brush thing that goes in between the wires. make sure u brush like 2-3 times a day

    E) i have colored brackets. but it's personal preference...if you get ' regular' those are colored. it's either ceramic or metal & metal you can get the color silver to blend more. with clear u might get more stains from coffee, tea etc.

    F) for me it was about every 4-6 weeks depending on what he was doing to my teeth. but now that i am almost done w/ my braces i go every 2-3 weeks :)

    G) hmmm i'm sorry idk!!

    i hope this helped :) best of luck with your braces, i recommend u take some tylenol/ibuprofen for the pain your teeth will be sore tomorrow but remember the first day after u get ur braces on is generally the very worst and itll go uphill from there :) don't be nervous or anything!!

  7. a. initially getting them on takes about an hour or so

    b. depends on how bad they are, and how high pain tolerance you have

    c.whatever you feel like you can eat. you will be sore so plan on eating softer foods

    d.just make sure you get around the bracket. i got a cavity because i was brushing like i normally did, but you have to make sure you get alllll the food.

    e. whatever you feel like having.

    f. the are tightened about every 4-6 weeks

    g. mine never cost anything.

  8. ok first off , don'tt listen to the idiots on here. listen to me.

    A- to get your braces on it takes about 30-45 minutes.

    B- Getting your braces on, the pain scale is 0 . you cant feel a thing. seriously. and (at my ortho) we have this glue that looks like a needle, but its not! so dont worry. But after you get your braces on, im not gonna lie to you, it hurts like HELLo.

    C- i ate pizza after i got my braces on..(mmm really good pizza) and i knoe your not supposed to do that most likely , but the next day when it was soar i had souup. and it doesnt rlly matter what u drink.

    D- yes there would be . where your braces are, you must make sure you get the tops and bottoms, AND floss.

    E- GET CLEAR COLORED- i have them. they rock. you cant even tell you have them.

    F- i think every couple of months. i got mine tightened yesterday.. =( shoot me..

    G- oh my brackets fell off a lot when i first got them, idk why. but it depends if your insurance covers it..


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