
Im getting 10th edition theme decks tomorrow, which ones should i get?

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or which combination of?




  1. too me, 10th edition theme decks are useless, they contain the most basic cards and not much thinking in playing those decks.  try reality fracture from time spiral.

    anyway, here's some info on the decks

    red:  more on getting big creatures and dealing direct damage. its a very basic burn deck.

    green:  grow deck. small creatures first. big creatures later! see your small minions become big!

    white: basic gain life deck. creatures hav white effects like lifelink, flying, first strike.

    black: mass minions. minions are cheap and can be regenerated. few big creatures, but contains extremely strong spells.

    blue:  very basic mono blue deck. little counterspells. mostly about maniplulating your library. not so good.

    try green red. still, you can find a lot more stronger and fun combined colour decks in other expansions. ravnica, time spiral, shadowmoor....

  2. my favorite set is time  spiral and planner chaos those sets are really good.

    they have some great cards.

    i recomend that you get a red/black or red/green deck from those sets.

    10th edition kinda is just way to plain.

    each deck only relies on one color. wich is ok but those decks are to simple for advanced players.

    like i said go for a time spiral or planner choas deck.

    the best decks are time spiral reality fracture, fun with fungus, and sliver evolution.

    from planner choas. endless march, and rituals of rebirth.

    check them all out from the magic website under the product section

  3. If you are new to the game, then the pre-cons are for you. Just get the color(s) that would most fit your style. Blue - Knowledge, control, deceit. Red - speed, burn, rewards now without thinking of the future. Green - Big creatures, nature. White - Nobility, protection. Black - Greed, sacrifice anything for power.

    If you are experienced, then go for an expert-level set's pre-cons. Any of the recently released sets would be good (I really like shadowmoor).

    If you are dead set on getting 10th pre-cons despite being advanced, then anyone of them would be ok, none are anything that spectacular...

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