
Im getting a 10 - 15 gallon tank soon what fish should I put?

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I dont know what fish to put in the tank. I want a community fish tank with small colorful fish.




  1. If your looking for something interesting and unique you could look into getting some Killifish. There are a few good breeders in the US and they aren't terribly expensive. A community of Killifish would do well in a 10 to 15 gallon tank. About 4 males and 7 or so females would do the trick, depending on the type you get. Plus they are brilliantly colored fish...gorgeous really.

    The International Killifish Association

    American Killifish Association

    Here's a place you can buy them...

    I recommend starting out with any type of  Fundulopanchax Gardneri (FP Gardneri). They are easy to care for and have amazing bright red, blue and yellow colors. Small too.   : )  The scientificc names can be complex though, it goes the Genus/Species/Collection Code. If you have any questions about the fish then feel free to ask.  

  2. Puffer fish are cool, but only put one type of fish in the tank unless you know what types get along as my mate put different types of fish in his tank and one of the types got eaten.

  3. Neon Tetras They're SHHHHINY!!!

  4. There are many you could chose from. Aim for balance - Top, Middle and Bottom dwelling fish. First read about fishless cycling.

    Also join a forum eg Tropical Fish Fanatics, Tropical Fish Centre etc (or all of them) and ask lots of questions.

    Fish will depend of your water type (hard, soft etc) and the actual size of the tank (both water volume and dimensions)

    Good Luck and take most things the Fish Shop tells you with a large pinch of salt.

  5. neon tetras, glow light tetras, black phantom tetras,diamond head tetras, red phantom tetras, they are all peaceful the phantoms will fight each other for fun to it wont hurt them. the only schools i can think of right now. but these fish will all eat the same thing flake food. here are som pictures of tetras.


  6. Maybe 5-6 Neon Tetras, 2 or 3 hatchet fish ( marble ones are cool, they dwell mostly at the top of the tank) 3 or 4 Peppered Cory Cats, and a Beta. Gender is totally up to you and the color and type. Yes, people may think i'm crazy for putting Beta on the list, but Beta fish are actually very calm, peaceful, and a great addition to any tank! Just don't get another Beta, because they'll fight, although if the male and female betas are both ready to spawn, then that's the only reason you should put them together. But, don't get any long finned fish like Angels, they'll flare and nip at them because they might think that it's another Beta!

    Hope this gave you a few ideas. Have fun picking your fish out and Good Luck!!!! =D

  7. Yes, you can put any kind of fish you wish (salt water OR fresh water).

    Fresh water, definitely, you need to add several bottom feeders. They help to clean your tank.

    I always like small colorful fish. They eat little, and discharge little. Therefore, I do not need to clean the tank frequently.


    I hope it helps.


  8. zebra danios

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