
Im getting a bearded dragon. can anyone tell me what i need in the tank.?

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  1. Do not listen to anyone that says you need sand. If you have a baby beardie, sand can be swallowed, and it can cause intestinal problems, usually leading to death. Adult beardies should be fine with PLAY sand, but I would recommend against it, for it is diifficult to clean and starts to stink really bad if you don't change it often.

    For the bottom of the tank, I would recommend Reptile Tile/Carpet, newspaper, or paper towles. Newspaper and paper towels work the best, and is the easiest to maintain, but if you want a desert looking cage, go for reptile carpet or tile, but make sure the carpet isn't too thick, it can get its toes caught and hurt itself.

    Other things you need in the tank are either some logs or rocks (or both) underneath the basking light, perched up so it can lay on them close to the light. I would recommend buying them, rather than using real ones. If you do use real branches or rocks, bake them in the oven at 350 for about 30 minutes, to get rid of any parasites.

    You will also need a water dish, a dish for veggies and fruits, and, (optional), a dish for insects.

    Hope this helps you.

    Have fun with your new pet!

  2. I'm actually working on the same thing. I know you need a 55 gallon for 2 of them.  a 40 ok for 1. a uv light and a under the tank heater. The full cost is approximately  250.00 complete. I' getting two and looking for a way To clean the tank safety for them

  3. 40 - 55 gal long tank with lid.  A uv light so they can bask in the warm light.  Calcium sand. Crickets.  A water dish.  Two temp gauges, so you can gauge the temp in the basking spot and the cool spot.  Something to hide under. and something to climb on or bask on.  It is going to cost about $200.00 for all the stuff you need.  I also have a pooper scooper, and cricket keeper.

  4. heres a site that should cover all your questions


    hope it helped

    Satans Lil Helper



  5. A flat, long rock, or soemthing similar perched against the glass, sand, a water bowl, a heat lamp/rock (above the perched rock) and maybe some other fake plants?

  6. you need: sand(for the floor of the tank), a fake tree branch with leaves(for it to climb on), a large water dish, something for him to crawl into like a cave or something

  7. you need bedding, a hide (like a hollow log or half log), you need branches for it to climb on and bask in the heat. some dragons drink from water dishes and some dont. it all depends if you need one or not.

    whatever you do, do NOT use sand as bedding. it can be inhaled and can cause impaction. sand is even more dangerous to young bearded dragon, since they tend to be clumsy when eating.

  8. NO! Do NOT use sand, calci-sand, or vita-sand. They all cause impaction, and are NOT digestable! Sand is also very dirty, and is a breeding ground for bacteria. Just because you scoop the p**p doesn't mean the germs are removed.

    Also, beardies should never live together,  no matter what age, size, or s*x they are. They are solitary animals, and forcing them to live with other beardies is very stressful and dangerous to them.

    Also, NO heat rocks. Beardies can't sense heat that comes from below them, and can get burned very badly by heat rocks without realizing it.

    For a baby, you will need a minimum of a 20 gallon long tank, for a juvie or adult, you will need a minimum of a 40 gallon *breeder* tank.

    You will need a safe substrate like paper towel, newspaper, slate tile, or non stick shelf liner.

    You will need a white basking bulb&fixture, no red/blue/black bulbs. Only white.

    Digital thermometer with probe. Place the probe directly on the basking site to get temps on that. Do NOT use cheap stick on/dial thermometers, they can be up to 20 degrees off!

    ReptiSUN 10.0 flourescent TUBE&fixture. Do NOT use coil or compact bulbs, or the ReptiGLO 10.0; all 3 bulbs cause seizure, conjectivitus, blindness, and sometimes death.

    You need Repcal+D3 calcium powder and Herptivite multi-vitamin powder

    Basking branch, or anything they can bask on

    Something to climb on

    A hide

    A water dish

    A dish for their greens, unless you put them on a paper plate/towel. Here is a site with all the greens beardies can&can't eat

    Reptile friendly disinfectant. You can get great stuff from

    I reccomend this site for any other beardie advice. The people on there have been working with beardies for years, and are very knowledable.

    Good Luck!

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