
Im getting a golden retriever , what medical stuff should I buy ?

by  |  earlier

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Pills ? Vitamins ? tapeworm stuff ? toothbrush ?




  1. I had a golden retriver most of my childhood (he died, age 11, Jan 11) and near the end I began taking care of him more and more.

    There are a few things that I have learned that you should get.

    -- You dont NEED a tooth brush, get 'Milkbone' treats, we fed Jake those all his life, and his vet told us that he had some of the cleanest teeth that he had seen.

    -- Get lots of chew toys, Things that can handle chew savy dogs, like Kongs, Nylabone, ect. But keep an eye on them as they chew and take them away when they get too worn. No need to take a dog to the vet cause he ate his tennis ball.

    -- Since Jake was a purebred, he had lots of fun medical problems, he had epilepsy since he was 6mo, conic ear infections, and skin allergies. fun fun. I might suggest that you get some ear cleaner, esp if your going to swim your dog. Its good to prevent that stuff.

    I hope you have found a good reliable breeder, be sure to check out the parents and if there was any medical conditions in the family, so you can prepare for that.

    Oh, and the statement that they are puppies forever, is very true. Jake was still in  the puppy state into age 8 or so.

    Good luck.

  2. Hold of on buying anything medical besides nailclipper and a brush.  Let the vet take care of the medical stuff.  That being said, you would need to get a toothbrush for a dog that is older and has it's adult teeth.

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