
Im getting a guinea pig????

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i am getting two guinea pigs in October but i don't know which breed? is there a breed that is friendlier then the others? or easier to tame? and which is the cutest??




  1. There is no specific friendlier breed. But scientists say that males are friendlier than females. Abbysian are rather energetic. Peruvian

    need more brushing and american and teddy satin are less energetic. My favorite breed is american satin.

  2. I especially love Abyssinian Guinea Pigs.

    I love their fur. But for choosing a Guinea pig its best to observe and choose the one which is most outgoinging. Since Guinea Pigs are very shy they will run away from you almost always but you can reduce those chances and increase your chances with bonding with your pets by getting pigs that are more inclined to lay outside of there hiding house.

    And you don't really tame Guinea Pigs.

  3. do you know there are 13 breeds? there are lots of mix-breeds too, as well as the hairless (I'm no fan but I'm sure they are lovable...)

    I personally raise Teddies, with the fur sticking out everywhere. In fact, I have 2 sows that could go well together if you want to... never mind :P

    one to avoid would be Abissinnians. Well, they aren't actually mean, per say. they have a very active lifestyle, though, and are known to be the "terriers" of the cavy world. Individuals, though,can be very sweet and it really depends on the piggy itself. Longhairs are usually quite easily spoiled as well :)

    I recommend you don't get it from the pet store. you will probably end up with mixmatched genders, and they will be very wiley and often they carry sicknesses. Also, petstore cavies are very expensive - 30 to 70 dollars!

    Many breeders sell perfectly good "pet quality" cavies for five dollars, simply because they cannot show them. If you buy them from the breeders who spoil them (like me, lol) they will easily bond with you. Otherwise buy them as young as you can so you can hand-rear them.

    Shelter piggies are sometimes tame, but adoption fees can be OUTRAGEOUS! I know you're rescuing a piggy, but why does rescuing have to be more work than merely purchasing?

    Texel babies are very, very cute. When they grow up their hair can be a mess, but in my opinion they are the cutest baby guinea pig breed alive.

    Still, teddies ARE the best. Yes, I am biased.

    Oh, and I know everyone says you need two for them to be happy, but if you get one it will bond to you rather than to another cavy; you just need to spend more time with it. However, getting two is fun, since, as they say, "Two are better than one"!

    ;D good luck!

  4. Well in my opinion, I believe that the multicolored brown black and white ones are the cutes and tamest. It's breed is Abyssinnian Tort and White. And I want to suggest two names also. Fluffanuter and Nutter Butter

  5. there really arent breeds. just long hairs and short hairs

  6. Well there is really no friendlyist breed but you should put your hand in the tank at the store and wich ever comes to you and doesnt bite and is just flat out friendly, if none of them are comming to you, pick one that is looking happy or that is eating or that is getting some exerisze wich means you will pick a happy,healthy piggie oh and i would tell you a cute breed but you might not think its cute so i advise you to look at ALL the piggies in the store and just pick the cutest and friendlyist


  7. Does it really matter what breed? As long as you like them there is no problem. The only decision is long hair or short. Why are you getting two. Most rodents fight when they are forced to live together. (If they are of the same species.) You could just get one.

  8. There's great care info here  

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