
Im getting a jack russell pup on saturday,is it ok 2 have 2 together from pups or shall i just stick with one?

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Im getting a jack russell pup on saturday,is it ok 2 have 2 together from pups or shall i just stick with one?




  1. They need companionship. If you don't have another dog already, you should consider getting 2. I have 3.  

  2. oh yeah very playful pups who need attention a lot of it. I have two used to have 3 but my first one I got started to get ugly but some are like that but he got too ugly and bit people and I had to have him get put down ): Jacks get a long with any dogs but do however like to show off and try to act as though they can take on any size dog. Two are great they keep each other happy. Oh one more thing get ready to pull out a big chunk of money they can be very pricey depending who you get them from.

  3. If this is your first puppy, I would suggest getting one so you can focus on training one puppy instead of two at the same time. Also, if you get one, then you can be sure that you can handle the responsibility that comes with getting a puppy! However, if you are experienced with dogs and puppies, well then please do get two! It is nice for puppies to have a playmate of their own kind and I hear that if you get two, then puppies tend to be less destructive because they have someone to play with?? But I'm not sure about that. Good luck and hope it all works out! Puppies and dogs are amazing and can really brighten up someone's life!

  4. ok

  5. its fine

  6. Oh my gosh unless you are hyper-active your best bet would be only one. A great dog to have.

  7. dogs luv to be together even if u get one now and another down the road they'll be happy to have a friend but if ur getting 2 from the same litter that will make them ajust to being without there mother more easliy but they will do fine on there own ether way so its all up to u if u want one or 2 twin doggies r always super cute lol ;p

  8. Jacks need to be entertained. I would have gotten two.. I have a Lab that he plays with .. you also need to walk him EVERYDAY... they do get bored... ours used to apply "the roller coaster" (into the room, up the couch, off the other end, out of the room), but I walked him and applied Dog Whisper's techniques, and they work very well..  

  9. I think this belongs in the Dog section.

  10. If you have the option of getting  2 puppies, please do!  They are great companions to each other while youre not there, and you'll have so many laughs watching them play together!

    It will be well worth it!  

  11. i got2 together.they keep one another company while i am out and play together.1 pup is easier but2 is so much more fun.whatever you decide enjoy your puppies jack russells are the coolest dogs ever.they do still bother with their owner too.goodluck.

  12. NEVER get 2 pups at the same time. They will bond with each other and form their own pack. They will never bond correctly with their 'human pack' and will be h**l to train. Better wait at least a year in between dogs. Most reputable breeders and even most rescues will never allow 2 pups to go together. I foster for a few rescues, and they even separate the litter after they are about 3 months old into separate foster homes(if not adopted into permanent homes all ready) so that they bond better with humans. Get only one, and he will be a much better pet because of it!

  13. It's okay to have two as long as you are not trying to mate them.  

  14. you can do it either way, just if it is a boy and a girl, and you dont want them to mate, make sure you tell them off as sson as they start, BAD EXPIERIENCE!!  If its 2 boys though they could fight so be careful. :)   hope this helped :D   2 girls wudnt hurt though,  good luckk xx

  15. I think it's going to depend on you. I know someone that has 2. My mom is a vet tech who has told me that jack russels get bored and can get destructive when they are bored. It is important to keep them busy and entertained. If you have 2 then it's going to mean more work for you to do that. If you have the time then get 2. If you don't then just get 1. I hope this helps.  

  16. I think that you should get 2,

    my mum said she wished she could've got 2 dogs at the same time because the dog will have company and he/she won't need so much attention.

  17. JRT are a lot of work they are a high mainanance dog.. very demanding of your time, if you dont have a lot of time - only get one.. or none...

    read this link to help you pick the right one for you

    DO NOT EVER BUY FROM A PET STORE!!! this would be the biggest mistake and if you are considering it.. please post another question and ask why not.. always from a breeder or shelter ONLY

  18. Hello - Well I have two jack russell x shitzu doggies, we got them both just a couple of months apart and they have been fine together. Its true that they say "double the trouble" in that what does the other usually follows (in my case chewing things!!) but we love the fact that they both are growing up together. A lady just up my street has Westie twins, they are adorable!!! Good luck xx

  19. youcan get as many as you like aslong as you treat them all fairley

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