
Im getting a jug puppy (jack russellxpug) is it a good dog?

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Im getting a jug puppy (jack russellxpug) is it a good dog?




  1. I don't think combining these 2 breeds is a good idea.  As with the pug/beagle mix (puggle).....often times you end up with the energy of the Jack Russell and the nose/breathing ability of the Pug.  You end up with a dog who wants to run and jump, but can't, because he'll end up overheated.  

    No reputable breeder deliberately breeds mixes.  They don't health test or take measures to insure the puppy's well-being for life.  Many of their offspring ends up in shelters when owners realize the "designer mix" they bought wasn't a good idea.  

    Hopefully you are getting this dog from a shelter.....if not, you may want to re-consider giving your hard-earned money to an irresponsible breeder, and saving the life of a shelter dog, instead.  

  2. uhmm... i think the best answer is what you want

  3. 1. NEVER BUY A PUPPY just LOOKS, colour along, fur type-COLOUR, fur type and looks HAS NO INDICATION OF DOGS TEMPERMENT!

    2. Consider your lifestyle-

    4. Are you out more then 8hours a day

    5. Consider your energy requirements, Size, Grooming.

    6. Don't just buy because someone says this is the dog for you, people particular on yahoo answer will give you there particular favourite breed& what suits them, not what actually suit you.

    7. Read all you can-THERE are alot of false information on the web and in books about different dog breed.

    8 DON'T TRUST THOSE DOG BREED SELECTORS-MOST OF THE RESULTS ARE INCORRECT. Ex i search large breed dogs, and the Pomeranian came up, which of cause is a toy dog breed!!


    Most likely it will have the Jack Russell outgoing personality, but will also have the pug likelyness to snore

    Jack Russell

    Is conveniently-sized, natural-looking, and sturdy

    Is one of the most energetic, athletic, determined, and intense of all breeds

    Is extremely alert and makes a keen watchdog, yet is still sociable with strangers

    When handled properly, is brighter and more trainable than most terriers

    A Jack Russell Terrier may be right for you.

    If you don't want to deal with...

    The dynamic terrier temperament (see full description below)

    Vigorous exercise requirements

    Aggression toward other animals -- very strong chasing instincts


    Digging holes


    Shedding (smooth coat)

    Regular brushing and trimming (wiry coat)


    Pugs can't go running, hiking or bicycling with you; unless you put them in a little pouch like a baby carrier and carry them on your chest. Again, because of the short nose, a pug cannot tolerate hard exercise and they have no stamina. You can usually take your pug on shorter walks when it is not too hot or humid outside. Pugs, typically, cannot swim as well. They are very solid and tend to sink instead of float. A life preserver is recommended for any pug near the lake, ocean or pool.

    Pugs can't go running, hiking or bicycling with you; unless you put them in a little pouch like a baby carrier and carry them on your chest. Again, because of the short nose, a pug cannot tolerate hard exercise and they have no stamina. You can usually take your pug on shorter walks when it is not too hot or humid outside. Pugs, typically, cannot swim as well. They are very solid and tend to sink instead of float. A life preserver is recommended for any pug near the lake, ocean or pool.

  4. I have a jug and i love her to death. She has the greatest personality and i dont know what i would do without her. She is three now and loves to play fetch. We didnt even have to teach her, she one day picked up a ball and it started from there. She is always ready to play. I would definitely say that a jug is a great dog.

  5. very cuteeeee!!!!!!!!

  6. Ye they are grate dogs

  7.   Sure but I suggest a different dog of a different breed. For big dogs I suggest the Czechsky pointer a big hunting dog found in my home area. For small dogs I suggest a Papion.  

  8. Sure as long as you are adopting one and not supporting bad breeding practices.

    From what the net says, and we all know how reliable that can be, no one has had complaints they are supposedly very loving dogs who can be prone to moments of stubborness  or hyperness.

    For a better idea look up info on both breeds and just hope for the best.

  9. Who knows.  It is a cross breed and could inherit the best of both breeds or the worst.  Having said that, training is what it is all about.  An untrained dog, whatever breed or cross breed, is always a bad dog.  A bad dog can become a "good" dog through consistent training and care.

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