
Im getting a mouse EVERYONE!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Lol, just a few questions.

1)If my sister and I got a girl and a boy, would they breed? How many babies would they have?

2)If I should get a boy or girl and if Milli/Milly or Renny are good names?




  1. 1) Yes, oh yes they would. There would be many babies. You DO NOT want this, yes baby animals are cute, but what do you do with the half dozen to dozen mice that keep arriving every month, and then the babies would start breeding with each other (mice dont understand the idea of incest) and there would be more mice again.

    Mice live for one to two years. They can start having babies at 6-8 weeks old and have 5-10 in each litter (pregnancy lasts 3 weeks). Babies are born hairless with their eyes closed. One mother mouse can produce over 100 babies a year.

    2) I'd suggest a pair of girls as they will get along far better than a pair of boys and will smell less.

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