
Im getting a tattoo today , on my foot, im scare? How bad will it hurt?

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im getting stars




  1. it will hurt like heck but you will love them after you are done.

  2. Some people consider the foot as the most painful part of the body to get tattooed since there are lots of nerve endings in that area and lesser flesh.  As long as you are determined to have it done there, I am sure you can get by it...pain is temporary but tattoos are not so that should be worth it.  Plus, foot tattoos can really be s**y.

  3. Dont let the fear of it hurting stop you i have stars on my foot to and it hurt but not enough not to get it pain is different for different people

  4. Some people say it dont hurt that much and some say thats the worst place to get one when it comes to pain. Dont be nervous...the pain is what makes getting a tattoo special.

  5. Depends on the exact spot you're getting it. Places like the inside wrist, neck, inside upper arm, ankles, are considered to be painful. Everyone has a different pain tolerance thou. You should search 'foot tattoos' on youtube to see how other people react to them.

    Hope I helped! =)

  6. It jolly well hurt me...but my mate had her foot done and said it did not hurt.....depends on where you are getting the tattoo.

    Near your toes and ankle will hurt,but on top of your foot wont so much.When your having the tattoo,think of something else,NOT the tattoo and how much its hurting,good luck !!  

  7. well,

    i didnt know it hearts

    but to remove ur feer

    try to think of something thats is funnuy and makes u happy and try not to think that ur putting a tatoo.

    and i will tell u congrates for ur tattooo  and good by

  8. It will hurt trust me....don't pretend it wont.

    It will be a tolerable pain though. Not bad enough to not get it done.

    As soon as it is done you will love it sooo much you will forget how much it hurt and book in for your next.

  9. It'll hurt - it's a tattoo!

    Congratulations - you are the millionth person this month to choose stars for a tattoo!

  10. I have one on my foot and it didn't hurt.

    Best of luck! :)

  11. from expierence IT HURTS LIKE CRAZY!!!! And be prepared to go barefooted for a few days or even weeks. It took mine 3 months to heal. My foot was so swollen it actually took some the blue color off.

  12. I got a tattoo on my foot just last month and although it hurt it wasnt completely unbearable.  (I have baby footprints on top of my foot)  I just tried to concentrate on something work on the wall, talking to my hubby who was with me, listened to some music, read a magazine.......when it was done I was so happy and had forgotten that there was even any pain involved.   I at one point wanted stars somewhere but decided against it becuz the star thing seems to be such a fad these days...but since its your body you do what you want and enjoy it!!  Good Luck and God Bless!!

  13. when i got  my foot tattoo done i was super nervous, but it really wasn't too bad, yeah it hurt, but some places it hurt more then others. just relax and all should go well.  

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