
Im getting a toy poodle, what gender do you think it should be?

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Im getting a toy poodle, what gender do you think it should be?




  1. well i like females more i think there a wee bit more better in every way than male dogs but if you don't want pups and don't want to pay out money to get her fixed then i would say a male.  males are good to but

  2. female dogs will hump and mark too..  this is not a male-only behavoir!

    It doesnt really matter which s*x, as long as its spayed and neutered.  If you dont spay and neuter, then you will most likely deal with humping and marking from either s*x..  females go into heat, and are also at risk for deadly uterine infections ("having puppies" is not a reason to choose a female.. breeding is costly, risky, and alot of work)

    Females tend to be more independant, and males tend to be more affectionate and needy.

  3. girl

  4. male dogs "mark" their territory by peeing here and there, it is a territory thing, females do not show this kind of behaviour.-blurey

  5. It shouldn't matter. Just so long as its fixed!

    I personally prefer male dogs, but that's my own qualm. My toy poodle is a male.  

  6. um

    I think you should get a female, as male dogs mark their territory. If you don't want a dog that breeds then get one that is desexed or you desex it at your own vet. If you still want a male then get a trained one that's toilet trained :)

  7. Neutered or spayed - definitely either one.

  8. Definitely female!!!!

  9. Unless you get it fixed, you either can look forward to puppy's from a female, and spraying if its a male.  I like girl dogs because their more submissive to learning things, and listening to you.  Males I find tend to be more hyper.  Plus I just don't like dog balls for p***s sitting my leg when I hold them, or their humping my leg.  Either one though if you are going to fix them.  

    Good Luck, get a cute one!

  10. The basic rules are....

    Females-- Take love and affection when they want it, if they dont they will walk away or ignore you....

    Males-- Are always up for a cuddle or affection!

    BUT! There are always dogs that are exceptions!


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